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Not the correct timeline but pretend Tanjiro and the others are alive in that era
Y/N thought it was quite rude to be distancing herself from Gyutaro so she went to a sweet shop. She bought some mochi and wrapped it in a cute box. She smiled at the thought of Gyutaro loving it.

She walked her way to go find the male but she found nothing. 'Maybe he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore..' she walked her way back home with tears in her eyes.

She just wanted to hang out with him. She was close to her house so she immediately wiped her tears. She opened the door with a closed eye smile. "Hello everyone! I'm back!"

... No answer




She opened her eyes at the sudden silence as she saw her mother on the ground. She looked awful. Her neck was sliced and she had broken bones, covered in slashes.

"Mother!" The girl screamed and went by her side. Did you expect her to be crying? Hell no! She was terrified to even move!

She heard footsteps from the other room. "Who do we have here eh?" A very hoarse voice called. Y/N gasped as she tried to move and exit the house.

A skinny figure pulled out of the shadows. Y/N was petrified. It was a..


It was quite similar to Gyutaro's being. The demon froze. He then grinned creepily. "It's my precious Y/N! How dare you distance yourself from me! You shall be severely punished!"

The girl bolted for her life before the creature had time to react. She ran to the village, only to see corpses everywhere. She froze. She didn't have that box of goods anymore!

Chuckling was heard behind her. Warm breaths were hitting her neck. "Y/N~" the demon cooed. "Watch out!" A voice called. She was pushed away.

A slayer! She thought they weren't real! The female fought the demon off. "Run away! Don't return!" The slayer said as she fell dead. Y/N ran for her life, hoping to reach the next village.

HA! I left y'all on a cliffhanger!! Sorry for the short chapter as well, I didn't expect to write another

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