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A/N PLEASE READ THIS OR YOU WILL BE CONFUSED!! ⚠️: I forgot to mention that later on in the story, the Hashira and other slayers may take a liking in Y/N. It's not just only Gyutaro and Daki x reader so sorry!


You ran with tears running down your cheeks. He was gaining up on you! Rough hands wrapped around you as you screamed. "HELP!" He covered your mouth as you squirmed.

"There is no use in screaming my love." You heard his hoarse voice say. You shivered at the name. You tried to get out of his grasp but the grip only tightened. A girl with quite revealing clothes appeared beside Gyutaro.

"Onii-chan is this Y/N? She looks so different from what I remember!" She stroked your cheek with her cold hand. Gyutaro started walking with you in his arms.

A slash could be heard as Gyutaro's arm was cut off. "I saw you needed help young lady!" A booming voice called.

You ran behind him in fear and tugged on his haori

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You ran behind him in fear and tugged on his haori. He chuckled slightly and started slashing Gyutaro many times. Daki took her moment and snatched you away from Rengoku.

Gyutaro took both of y'all to an abandoned house before Rengoku could react. He laid you on a bed before exiting the house, seeming to grab something on the way.

Daki smiled and looked towards you. She hugged you with a deadly grip. You wheezed as she hugged tighter. "Oh how we missed you Y/N! It's so nice being with you again!" She said in a playful tone.

Your blood boiled at her tone. You squirmed out of her grip and slapped her away. She was pushed away from you as your veins nearly popped. Daki held her cheek from where you slapped her and was in shock.

She started crying. "Why would you do that Y/N!! After what we did to find you again, you do this!" She grabbed something, seeming to be chains. A slice could be heard as Daki's head was slashed off.

You were grabbed by a rough hand and swiftly taken out of the abandoned place. You were in disbelief. Who had saved you? Was it that same golden haired boy? You turned around to see him.

You hugged him in a lot of thanks. "Thank you so much! I was so terrified over there!" Rengoku blushed slightly and kept his signature smile. "I enjoy your thanks young lady! What is your name?!" He yelled.

"My name is Y/N!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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