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loud, striding patters across tile floors crossed (y/n)'s impeding dissociation of thought, their head tilting upwards. they were being reminded, once again that day, that they were at what was supposed to be a safe place - one that lacked it's 'safe' nature - as a masked figure screamed in (y/n)'s face, continuing to run down the corridor afterwards.

knuckles began to wighten at the (hair colour)'s side, hands balling into fists rather quickly. they managed to hide their anger, the overwhelming aura that engulfed their stomach slowly - wishing that they would let the urges slip, and cleared their throat. a scream did not leave their lips at the encounter, their lips and brows only nudging into a expression that was unreadable - hatred, anger, sorrow, despair, and resentment, even?

heads turned to see if their beloved friend was alright, watching as they glared down the male that grew further every second - until, they disappeared, and those memories came back, remembering what happened few hours before walking into this very school.

the friends grabbed ahold of the (skin tone) male, hugging onto him in a comforting, loving way - as if they could tell, as if they could see past the well-tailored human suit, that it had irked them. more than it should have, in the (hair colour)'s eyes.

one pipped up, toxic laughs beginning to spew out of his throat - until his girlfriend began to push his chest, signaling it was time to stop.

"look at this place, it's like christmas in here!"

those foul, unsuspected intentionally, words caused a glare to be sent at him. not only from his 'beloved' girlfriend, but from the victim themselves. (y/n)'s feet picked up on their own, long, quick, and unsteady strides carried them to the bathrooms - they needed privacy, a break away from the hell they had endured.

tatum — the 'beloved' girlfriend — watched as the male scurried off to the restrooms, then began beating on the absent minded male with a lollipop.

hands aggressively landed onto the restrooms glass sinks, gripping ahold of it until they could muster no more strength. (eye colour) orbs glared into the mirror, tears beginning to swell at the waterline of their eyes - was this hatred they felt, or fear?

their brows furrowed even more, lips quivering and turning downwards - they attempted to stop themselves from making that face, one they hated so much, because it made them feel. it made them feel vulnerable, a feeling they resented more than last nights events itself.

those memories began to tug at the grooves wrapping the outside of their brain, attempting to crawl to the top of their head - to seep the toxic, poisonous memories into their head, to infect their every thought, and even desire.

and that's exactly what they did, they infected each thought that had sputtered into that damaged head of theirs, stretching their long, blackened claws at the once gleeful memories that attempted to comfort their trembling form.

memories of a friend, whom they had began recollecting with, that died the previous night before. memories that granted the feeling of touching her hair again, the soft, comforting skin that relished in their love itself, to hear the lovely voice that excused herself from the room, to see the legs that served as a pillow when things got rough that skipped to the ringing telephone, the eyes that glanced away at the screen when the movie grew too gruesome, and to relive the moment when hands that clambered to their side when they saw the silky fabric, accompanied by a white, elongated mask, that watched through the back window.

it was an average night, the two reliving the old memories they had cherished throughout the years - the ones that hung their sanity on a tight knitted string once that the (hair colour) had felt, never coming back for years - until now.

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