Chapter Three "Junior"

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Author's Note: Hey my zebras! I'm sorry for the late update, I was too busy to dying because my other story More than the World has 160 reads! It would be awesome if you haven't already checked it out read it. It was my first story and it is longer than this on. OK enjoy little zebras!

Brittany's P.O.V.

I woke up to see a dent in the bed where Liam had fell asleep next to me. I tried to sit up, but it was too much for my weak body. I reached for my phone that was on the night stand and texted Elaina: Hey girl can you bring the girls up to my room?

I heard the sound of three pairs of feet running up the stairs to my room. Juliana, Dani, and Elaina came into my room. They, like me, still had their pajamas on seeing as they didn't bring clothes. "Hey guys," I said in a scratchy voice.

"Oh My God, Brittany you sound awful!" Elaina said. If she wasn't my cousin or best friend I would strangle her. I do NOT have anger problems it's just I don't like being insulted.

"Wow thanks El...I didn't realize that," I said annoyed and with sarcasm. "Need....W-W-Water." Dani ran to the bathroom, almost running into the door which had been closed after Elaina came in. She can back with a cup of water and handed it to me. "Thanks Dani." I chugged the cup, attractive right?

"No problem...whats up with you are you like feeling OK?"

"To be honest no...I feel like crap. My throat is sore, I can't sit up, I feel cold but my forehead it burning, I'm dizzy, I puked my guts out last night."

Juliana was the next one to speak up, "You should go see a doctor Brittany."

"I would if I could. I can't sit up let alone walk." When I said that I heard laughs coming from outside of my door. Oh brother. Do boys know that girls aren't deaf? "Boys I can hear you now come in." I heard pushing and shoving when finally Liam opened the door. The boys filed in my room and sat on my bed.

"We could carry you to the car and drive you to the hospital," Niall said.

"Um I guess so..." Just then my kitten Junior jumped onto my bed. She curled up in between my legs and fell asleep. I smiled, thinking of how cute she was. The last thing I saw was her little nose twitch like a bunny's before everything went black.


Hope you enjoyed!

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