In Forgive Me

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Emily's Pov

I was walking down the hall, when out of no where two hands grab my waist from behind and start pulling me into the janitors closet. My eyes widen into two perfectly shaped circles; I'm about to scream, but one of the hands flies over my mouth.

I already know this is a guy. There is no girl in my school big or strong enough to get me into the closet, not even a teacher. I still have no clue why no one has tried to help me. There were at least fifteen students in the hall, at least one would have seen me being dragged to my possible doom.

"Hey Emily, how's your day been?" I hear a familiar voice say suspiciously. It's still dark inside, but I know exactly who it is. Oh, and he's gonna face the full blown rage of Emily Carmichael. The light comes on, and my suspicions are confirmed there before me stood Paul Martin, smirking.

"I hate you." I say, giving him the angriest glare I can make.

"Aw, you don't mean that." He replies in a sweet voice, and fixes some of the hair on the side of my face.

"Oh, don't you try to be cute now." I turn around to open the door, and walk straight out not looking back at him. I was power-walking, so I had gone really far before he even walked out of the closet.

"Wait, Emily, wait you know I was just being funny. I mess with you all the time. Emily stop, please." He was running after me, I could hear him getting closer with each word he spoke, or rather shouted.

I can't help, but start smiling. He's just adorable like that, yeah that's right I said adorable. I have a crush on my best guy friend, I accept it, and I won't go back, no matter how cliché it sounds. He's just so cute, and wonderful in almost every way. I say almost because I mean nobody's perfect, but he does come pretty darn close.

Oh no, here we go again, but this time I'm being pressed up against the lockers, instead of pulled into a closet. I throw my angry face back on and stare him in the eyes, this is going to be fun.

"Emily, please forgive me. Why are you taking this so hard? I do stuff like this all the time." I roll my eyes and look down the hall. I can already feel myself cracking under his apologetic stare. He's very sincere, so I know he's dying of guilt.

"Emily stop, tell me what I did wrong. Emily... wait a minute, you're messing with me aren't you, aren't you. Of course you are I can see the grin in your eyes." Then, he does the unthinkable, he starts tickling me, and repeating "You're messing with me." and laughing.

"Stop, Paul, stop, haha, please," I gasp for air, "Please, yes I was messing with you. Paul." Then, he stopped suddenly, and we both dropped to the ground, our backs against the lockers.

"Why would you do that to me? I was seriously scared I hurt your feelings."

"I know you were, but you scared the life out of me so you deserved it. Plus, I know we could never stay mad at each other so I figured you could handle your punishment."

"Yeah, that's true. I'm sorry; I wish I could take it back."

"Thank you, I accept your apology. Now, what do you say we go to class."

"I really don't want to," I gave him an unamused look, "but yeah we should go."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said, with a flat smile.

He stood up then helped me to my feet, and we walked to class. When we get to my classroom, we plan on meeting up later and go our separate ways.


"Ahhhh! There's no way he could possibly do that to me." I yelled, in the hall way. "I could get suspended!!!"

People all over stared at me wide-eyed I could see some of their legs quivering. I was normally a very happy peppy person so this must have given them a major scare.

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