In Mistaken Identity (Part1)

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With all the media and lack of face to face communications between humans it's no wonder I accidentally told him I like him. It turned out pretty good though so, no regrets here.

This is what happened:

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~FLASH BACK~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Angelica's Pov

~Text Convo~

Angelica: Hey! Can you talk?


Jessica: Yeah, sure what's up.

Angelica: I'm bored.


Jessica: So that's what I am to you someone you call when you're bored.

Angelica: Ummmm...


Jessica: RUDE!!! 😠 I'm not talking to u anymore ✋

Angelica: NO!!! WAIT!!! I WAS KIDDING!!!

Angelica: Hello?

Angelica: Jessie, come back!

Angelica: Please what do I have to do to get you back?


Jessica: Get me ice cream. 😑

Angelica: 🍦


Jessica: No

Angelica: BUT!!!! I need to tell you something about David!!!


Jessica: Well in that case, DEFINITELY NOT.

Angelica: WHY!


Jessica: You talk about him way too much.

Angelica: No, I don't!


Jessica: Don't get all defensive. You do. And I don't want to hear it right now. Later, okay.

Angelica: Okay. 😔


Jessica: Good. I have to go now, so write about him in your journal to get it out of your system, and I can read it later.

Angelica: Okay, sure. See ya at school tomorrow.


"So, how's your day been?" I ask Jessica, while we wait at our lockers for school to officially start.

"Well considering I've only been up a couple hours so far. Okay." She says, yawning and falling against her locker.

"What do you say we walk past, David's lockers just for a quick glimpse of happiness in the morning?" I ask, hopeful.

"Angie, no that is not a good idea." Jessica responds staring me seriously in the eye.

"But... WHY!" I pour.

"Because I see you. Whenever you walk past him your like an obvious lovesick puppy." She tells me. Well, she's no expert on sugar coating.

"I do not." I defend myself.

"Stop getting defensive. I just am trying to protect you from yourself." She said, opening her locker to get her first period books.

"I know, but I still want to see him." I say, copying her acts.

"Too bad I won't let you. At least, not on purpose. I am all for you seeing him, but not planning it." She closed her locker and started walking.

"Okay, fine. Enjoy English." I called out to her. She 'Ughed'. I laughed and ran in the opposite direction for Biology.

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