In Mistaken Identity (Part2)

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*Door Bell*

"Angelica, there's a boy here!!!!! He says he's picking you up for school."

NO! I jump out of bed. I over sleep on the day, a really cute guy is picking me up for school UGH!!! I throw on whatever, grab my backpack and go. I look in the mirror. 'Yeah, he'll find this super attractive.' I roll my eyes, and run downstairs.

"Hey, David."

"Hey, Angelica."

"Angelica, you didn't tell me a boy was picking you up." I see the look in her mom eyes.

"Um, sorry it escaped my mind. This is my friend David"

"Yeah, I know we talked. He told me how you guys met." Then she paused as if asking me to continue testing to see if our stories matched.

"Oh, yeah, we met yesterday I was walking to school, and found he had moved in. We've seen each other at school, but never fully met, and when I passed his new house yesterday we decided to walk together. Then, now he came to get me." Well, no point in lying it'll just cause me more problems.

She smiled, I guess we told the same story. I mean I'd hope so he had no reason to lie.

"Alright then kids, go to school before your late." We turned and walked out the door. We got to the door when my mom spoke again. "Hey, David! Drop her off from school, and we can have lunch, get to know you better."

"Okay, Ma'am." He responds, then looks back at me. "Oh, wow, your mom moves fast. They don't tend to meet me until we've dated for like a month. We're not even a couple yet."

"Ha! Did you just say yet?" I tell him, and shove him a little, ignoring how jittery my insides feel. I kinda like it calm on the outside, freak out on the inside. It's exciting.

"Um, uh, yeah I guess I did, but I didn't mean to say we are." He said nervous, but not like 'I hope I didn't make her think I would date her'. It was more of a 'If you don't want to date I won't force myself on you.'

"Oh that's okay, I understand, we're friends." Oh AHHH!!! We're friends! I can't believe this!

"Yeah." He lets out a relieved sigh, and smiles.

"So, what's up with life?" I ask him.

"Basically the same as always. There is one thing, someone texted me on Instagram. I thought she was really funny, and I want to tell her. Also, she might be freaking out because of what she did so I want to tell her don't worry."

"Oh, yeah that is funny. Have you been able to find her?" Of course he hasn't found her dummy it's you. Shut up, me, what was I supposed to say? That it's you. NO!

"No, but I have some ideas of who she is." AW freak is he onto me. "I'm going to talk to them today." Oh boy, you already have. "Speaking of which, can I have yours?"

"What?! Um, I'm actually thinking of getting a new one so I'll give you that one as soon as I make it." Well, that's not a lie.

"Alright text it too me, when it's done." Thank God, boys are so clueless.

We get to school, and split up again to our lockers, and classes.

Wait he doesn't know my locker so we can walk home together.

Angelica: Meet me at my locker after school, so we can walk home. 586


David: Alright see you there, cloud watcher.

Angelica: It's planes! ):-|


David: I know. >u<

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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