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Your eyes widened "You're a dirty-minded person" he walks over to you and towers you from your seat. "We both are just know that I'm above you got that! Interpret it the way you want to see ya later dummy."

He leaves and you started thinking did he mean that he'd always be number one and you won't ever pass him academically or in any type of competition or did he mean when it comes to that. You slap your cheeks and don't think that way you choose the first option that makes more sense. Later on, after you clean your room it was all organized no more plushies on the floor your father arrived and you all eat together. "Y/n are you really fine," you tell him to continue eating and to not worry.

A week passes Hani had come back Jungkook was standing beside you while you were just sitting on the bench on your phone. "Jungkook sit down why are you standing like a soldier on duty" he takes a seat. "It's because you never know what can happen?" He groans remembering what day it was "We have this month's award ceremony at the field today we're going to have to stand there in line for I don't know how long."

You turn off your phone "It'll be worth it we'll take all the awards right Jin" you say looking back to see Jin trying to sneak up on you. "How did you know I was coming?" He takes a seat beside you "That's because you're not discreet" you all go to your classes and then after the teacher did attendance you all went to the field. Unfortunately, Jungkook's line for his class was far from yours and Jin so he was by himself you at least had Jin.

You were upset it was windy and your hair and skirt were going everywhere everyone was a mess. The ceremony started and you held your skirt down so you wouldn't flash anyone you didn't really care you had shorts under but still. Your hair wasn't flying all over the place since you had put on your hood. Jin was behind you he saw you struggling his hand touches yours and you look back at him. "I'll hold it from the back you hold it from the front. I would give you my sweater but it's cold and I'm not willing to freeze for you."

The principal stopped talking about his introduction and immediately told everyone to go to the auditorium. You all go in there and the teachers started guiding their class to their seats. You remove your hood "Oh that's better it's warm in here" Jin fixes your hair you thank him but he kept on staring at you. "Does my hair look bad?" You ask him "No you look fine. You look pretty" you couldn't help but smile and look away. Why do such dumb words that come from him make you feel a certain way? If it were someone else you know you'd make a disgusted face and walk away.

His name was called first and then you and with a few other people. After a while, you were tired of constantly standing up and walking to the stage when it was finally over you just wanted to stay in your seat you missed your bed. You were proud you had a lot of medals and certificates so that made up for it. "You see I'm not a dummy," he says and Jungkook escapes his line and goes to you guys he had a lot as well "We are a group of geniuses. Well, we are just competitive."

You hug Jungkook "Congratulations on your awards" he was happy smiling "What about me you didn't congratulate me?" You started taking pictures with Jungkook and Jin pulls him away from you "Leave my best friend alone" you hold onto him "Last time I checked he's my best friend." Jungkook had enough and he was stuck in the middle again "Jungkook who do you like more me or Y/n?"

"I don't like none of you if you're going to be like this" he walks away and you and Jin stand next to each other "We broke him didn't we," you say and he smacks your head. After school Jin's dad picked you two up you go in the car with Jin in the backseat. The ride was so calm that it made you fall asleep you lay your head on Jin's shoulder he was also exhausted his head lays on yours you two were completely knocked out the whole ride.

"Jin Y/n wake up we are here" you two get out of the car and stretch. You were at his house you go inside and enter his room to just throw yourself there. He comes in after you and closes the door he throws the blanket over you and turned on his favorite game. "Jin" he goes to you "Yeah what's wrong" you turn around to face the ceiling "Can you do my homework?"

"Uh no," you drift back to sleep so he played while you rested in peace not bothering you. Time passes and you wake up you sit up and rub your eyes. You scan the room and realize it's Jin's you check your phone it was 7:30 pm. You see him playing on his computer "Jin" he hums and pauses his game "What?"

"Can I sleepover?" He nods "Yeah sure just call your parents" you call your mom and tell her you'd stay over. You walk over to him "Can you lend me some clothes I need to shower he hands you some of his clothes and you go to the bathroom. He turned off his computer and grabbed your backpack. He skimmed through your things until he found your planner he saw what your homework was and he starts doing it.

You finish and come out he was taking a sip of water but when his eyes landed on you he almost choked. He clears his throat "Here I finished your homework you owe me okay" you hug him "Thank you I appreciate it."

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