Gregory's Redemption - Roxys Pride Softens

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Ok missing lunch once was bad enough, but twice. I wanted to whine and stomp my feet in anger. When Montys forest green net ensnared me as I was carrying my plate to a table. Sending my poor sandwich to the ground. Which the trash bot. Promptly swept up. Looks like I'm not eating again today. 

I felt like crying watching the trash bot sweep up my sandwich. I nearly did too, but I forced the tears away. Reminding myself that I don't deserve food in the first place. Its a privilege not a right. I shouldn't get greedy.

Yet still. How I wanted that sandwich. Anything to stop the cramps spasming through my stomach. Maybe tomorrow. When the net deposited me in front of Monty a few minutes later. I half expected him to attack me. After all. I did trespass in his domain, but instead. He did something I didn't think was possible for him. He hugged me.

Montgomery Gator actually hugged me. I half wondered if this was some food deprivation hallucination,  but when I pinched myself he was still there. Hugging me and wait. Did he just thank me. Now I know this isn't real.

In all seriousness though. He invited me back to his arena anytime. Which I know a lot of kids would see as a chance to try out his golf courses, and maybe if I hadn't screwed up so bad. I would too, but I did screw up. So I saw his invitation for what it was. He wants me to retrieve the balls for guests after they finish a round. Help him clean up. Maybe I can help clean the daycares monday, Wednesday, and friday night. While I help clean up the golf course on tuesday, thursday, and saturday night.

Maybe on sunday since I am off from work. I might be able to sneak in during story time in the daycare. No bad Gregory. Bad. You are such a selfish little brat. Here they are giving you a chance to redeem yourself and your already thinking about trespassing on Moondrops sacred story time. Do you want to be kicked out again.

I wonder what its like to be held as Monty flings himself off the bridge. Doing summersaults before using his grapple to land safely on the ground. All while holding the kids squeeling in joy. A twinge of jealousy had me turning away from the playful sight. My hands balling into fists. How I wish I were one of those kids being cuddled in a hug. Or clinging to Montys back as he does crazy stunts. 

Oh well no point dwelling on it. I lost that chance when I ran over Roxy with her own go car. I just hope my gift helps her see better. I paused outside my pizza fort. After delivering Roxys gift. Scowling at the trash bot making away with my pizza fort, and worse yet. Its trash night. So the trash will be destroyed before I can even get there. 

Shoulders slumping. I head off to the bathroom. Pressing the botton to get more paper towels to cover up with. Only to frown in annoyance. The stupid thing is out of paper towels. Though I guess it makes sense. It was super busy today. Heading back to my now empty corner. I curled tightly into a ball. My arms around my knees. In an attempt to conserve warmth. Since this area of the building isn't used anymore. They don't bother to turn on the heator, but I can't sleep anywhere else because those areas belong to the animtronics. So I will just have to try to sleep. 

Closing my eyes. I found myself wondering. If it wouldn't be better if I never woke up. 


Roxy POV

I stared in awe around my arena. My new eyes working a thousand times better than my own pair. Not only do they allow me to see in color. Which my old pair did not do, but they also detect heat signitures. They also send me a signal when someone is hiding near by. With these even if someone were to hide in an animtronic. I will know instantly. No longer will a human be able to hide from me.

Not to mention this new bow tie. It apperently sends a signal to my go cars. If I am on foot and a go car is about to run me over. Like what Gregory did to me. This purple bow tie will send a signal to slow thego cars to a stop. Never again will I be run over by my own cars. Haha I truly am the best, but maybe my number one fan isn't so bad after all. 

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