I Don't Want To Die

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This Fic is heavily inspired by the a03 fic. "He just wanted to live" by Kanesthirstao3. I recommend reading their fic.

Gregory's POV

I could feel bile rising in the back of my throat at the thought of what I was planning. It sent painful stabs of guilt through my heart. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to kill one of the few allies I had here, but I wanted to live. If I didn’t get the parts I needed, then… No. I mustn't let those thoughts in. I have to do this. I don’t have a choice.

Yet, as my eyes found Sundrop's trusting orbs and saw his gentle, forgiving smile, I felt tears begin to pool in my eyes. Why? Why can’t anything be easy? Why must everything good end? If only I wasn’t being chased by a psychotic rabbit…

“Sunshine? What’s wrong? Why are your eyes leaking?” If anything, Sunrise’s concerned question was like a punch to the gut, making it that much harder to do what needed to be done.

“Would you like a hug, friend?” With guilt eating a hole through me, I slowly walked toward the open-armed animatronic, tears spilling from my eyes. Wrapping my arms around him in a final hug, I whispered,

“I’m sorry, Sunrise. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

“Sunshine?” A sob broke through my lips as I pushed him over the edge of the railing before he could hug me back.

The look of shock and betrayal in his eyes made my sobs worse as I watched him plummet to the ground. The loud crash signaled his death. Collapsing to my knees, I choked on my sobs, pounding the ground with my fists. I wished I didn’t need to kill one of my only allies just to survive. Life can be so cruel.

After a minute, I was able to compose myself. Pulling back my tears, I stumbled to Sunrise’s mangled form. Gripping tightly to his shoulder pads, I clumsily dragged him to Parts and Service to remove the feature that allows Moondrop to see in the dark. I was halfway there when, suddenly, I was bathed in darkness. The lights had shut off, sending horrified chills down my back as a haunting voice reached my ears.

“Naughty boy. Naughty boy killed my brother. Must be punished, and you were such a good boy too.” I whimpered at this last part, running away to hide beneath a nearby table. Realization hit me like a sledgehammer. Moon was beginning to trust me. It had taken a lot of groveling just to get back into the daycare after Sun banned me. Apparently, once I had proven myself to Sunrise, Moon had decided to give me another chance. Now, there was no hope of being forgiven. I had done something truly unforgivable.

At this, I found my will to go on diminished, crumbling to the ground, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I no longer knew why I was fighting so hard to live, but after a moment, new determination filled me. I had to make this right, even if it cost me my life.

“Naughty boy. Come out. Come out, wherever you are.” Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I slowly got up from my spot, shuddering as Moondrop’s furious red eyes instantly trained on me. Forcing myself not to cringe away, I steadily met his gaze.

“Moondrop, I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to be. What I did was wrong, no matter my reasons. I just ask that you give me a chance to fix my mistake before you punish me. I will gladly submit to your judgment after Sunrise is fixed. If not, I understand.” At this, I fell silent.

Forcing myself to maintain eye contact as Moondrop’s calculating red eyes slowly approached me, he stopped inches from my trembling form, his claws twitching, no doubt debating whether to just cut me open where I stood.

“Why should I trust you? After what you did, how do I know you won’t do us more harm while we’re vulnerable?” he spat, glaring hatefully down at me. I gulped at the hate in his eyes, but reminded myself that it was my own fault. Taking a deep breath, I put my life in the animatronic’s hands.

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