45 5 2

*an hour earlier*

10:30 p.m.

the racers got their cars lined up at the starting line, waiting for the gunshot that will symbolize the start of the race.

calvin holds the steering wheel tight, putting his mind on focus for today's race. he takes a glance at the yellow Lamborghini Gallardo beside him, eyeing the looks of the car then, getting into a quick eye contact with the driver.

"good luck, calvin!" the lambo's driver shouted. the engines of the cars around were loud so they had to raise their voices.

"i'm gonna crush you tonight!" he added, making calvin's eyebrow rise.

he didn't answer. calvin is not the type to get into trash talking with the racers before driving. he just simply smirks and shakes his head, knowing damn well that he's going to win that match anyway.

calvin ajero might be cocky but at least, his cockiness actually leads onto something.

he's not entitled "the king of the track" for nothing, after all.

he closed his window as the ten-second timer started, making everyone's heart thump loudly.

5 seconds on the clock...



1... boom!

the gunshot echoed through the tunnel as the cars' tires screeches against the floor as soon as the race started.

however, calvin waited. he always does this. the race has started but his car was still at the starting line. he waited for a good ten seconds before stepping on the pedal, making his car zoom on the road as the crowd cheers for him.

and in no time, he was already catching up with the other racers. he easily passed by them, like he was alone on the road.

it wasn't just about the car that he was driving. calvin just knows how to get ahead of the others while keeping his car steady.

there were nine other players and he got ahead of eight of them, except for one.

that yellow lamborghini.

the both of them were head-on, not letting anyone pass through the other. there was a hard turn at the end and the cars drifted steadily, making sure not to hit the barriers.

four minutes have passed and they were getting close to the finish line but still, none of them can surpass the other.

"damn, he's good." calvin commented, tilting his head to the side.

"but let me show him who's better." and turned on his nitro, making him go forward, finally surpassing the other.

he was getting really close to the finish line but in a swift motion, the other car bumped him from the side and his car lost control, moving fast beyond the barriers. it went straight to a lamppost, breaking his windshield, making pieces of glass fly everywhere—the others lightly scraping his face but a big piece of it sliced through his chest.

his head bumped at the door by his side and it immediately bled. calvin's car finally stopped spinning and although his mind and vision were all blurry, he remembers being taken into the hospital and seeing the most gorgeous doctor he has ever seen.

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