Chapter 5

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Third person's POV
Next day~

Yuki's POV
I woke up and was greeted to the smell of food. My mouth watered profusely and I immediately stood up to pinpoint the aroma but fell backwards due to the way I stood up straight. I then stood up slowly and saw the rest. "Good morning", I chirped happily. "Morning", they replied back. "Thank God", Lucas said. "Why'd you say that", I asked. "It's because you didn't talk throughout yesterday after Haji's body...", he trailed off. I went silent after that sentence. Kira then slapped his head. "Way to go brunette", she sarcastically said. Sorry, He said. "I-It's okay", I said. Ria then walked towards me and hugged and told me that it's okay. Minutes later, I was better than before and told her to let go of me. She did and then said, "Breakfast's ready.

I nodded and went to the eating area which is basically in the middle of the shack. All of us then sat down to eat.

We finished and then later sat down there to relax. After a minute, I then asked, "Lucas, please can you tell us the name of this place". "Well the name of this place is Sakura forest, he answered. "Well that wasn't what I was talking about but why call it sakura forest when there is no sakura trees here, I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know, they just named it that and I didn't bother to ask", He continued.

"Well when are you going to put a roof over this place", Kira asked. "Yeah", I said. "How bout if it rains", I continued. "I don't know", Lucas answered. What do you even do when it rains, I asked. I-, he said but was interrupted by Ria, "Let me guess, you just enter anyone's home and stay there until it's over". "Actually yes", he said with no feeling of guilt. "So what'll happen if it rains now", Ria asked. "Well like what you said, we'll enter one's home", he said happily.

What's wrong with you, Ria angrily asked him as she glared at him. "Nothing", he shrugged. "Do you used to live like this before", she asked. "Nah, used to live at the orphanage", he said. Why didn't you stay there, Riana asked. "Too much rules like don't do this and don't do that, too stressful", he said exaggerating his words by waving his hands. But do-, Ria said but was interrupted by Lucas.

Lucas's POV
"Stop asking questions, it's getting annoying", I said. 'Just change this subject, I don't want to talk about this to people I barely know', I thought. "But don-",Ria said but was interrupted, "I know, but stop asking those type of questions", I said annoyed. "Fine", Ria said. 'Thank God', I thought sighing in relief. "Now back to the question at hand, when you gonna put a roof over this place", Kira said. "Cause I don't want to be soaked when it rains", she continued. "I don't know when but I don't even have the stuff to build it", I answered. "But you have the materials all around you", Yuki said. "What do you mean", I asked.

"Well look around you, we have enough wood around to build a roof", She said. I mentally face-palmed  myself. "Idiot, wood is not the only material people need to build a roof", I said. "No, its not", she said standing up. "Yes, it is", I said back standing up as well. "No, its not", she said seriously. "Yes it is", I said with the same amount of seriousness she put. This went on for a while until Kira groaned loudly in annoyance and said, "Would you two just shut up".

What are you guys even by arguing about, she said. If a roof can be built with wood only, I said. Which type, she asked. "I don't know", both Yuki and I said. She sighed. "So wait, you guys were arguing about if a roof can be built with only wood and you don't even know what type of roof you're arguing about", she said sighing in annoyance. We didn't know we were supposed to know what type of roof we were arguing about, Yuki said quietly. I sighed.

'What the hell am I doing', I thought. "I'm fighting with a nine year old, a person who hasn't even reached two digits yet", I said. "So, I'm a nine- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A PERSON WHO HASN'T EVEN REACHED TWO DIGITS!!", Yuki screamed at me. "Well you know that nine is a digit and ten upwards are two digits and since I'm in two digits and you're in one, that makes it stupid to be arguing with you thus making me look stupid as well", I said calm in a way.

"Huh?", Yuki tilted her head to the side. I mentally face palmed. 'I'm speaking with a child', I thought.  "What I'm trying to say is that if I'm arguing with you it makes me look like a jobless man that has no purpose and is seeking for fun in his life", I said explaining what I said earlier clearly. "Pfft, at least you've said what'll happen in your future life", Kira wheezed. I glared at her and she just ignored it and continued to laugh.

Third person POV
Facing Yuki, Lucas continued to talk. "So if were you talking about a wooden roof only needs wood to be built, then you're correct, he said. 'Well I wasn't talking about if a wooden roof can be built but if a metal roof can be built with only wood. But if I say that he will say insultive words or me and o don't really have time for that so I'll just say I was talking about a wooden roof, Yuki thoughtfully thought. "Yes, I was talking about what you just said", Yuki said looking at Lucas. "Ah...sorry about that, I should've asked instead of jumping into conclusions, Lucas said scratching his cheek.

Yeah, you should, insulting a child like me who was correct the whole time we were arguing", Yuki said dramatically while emphasizing on whole. "Yeah, it was a mistake", Lucas said. "And you say I'm the dumb one", Yuki said as she sighed. "What's that supposed to mean?!", Lucas asked loudly looking at Yuki. What's what supposed to mean, Yuki asked acting being confused.

"What you just said a minute ago", Lucas said glaring at her. "Oh, know what I meant", she said smiling at him. Lucas put his hand on  his head and started relaxing his temples. "I forgot I'm still arguing with a child", he said sighing. "A child who's smarter than you", she said back. "Yeah, you say you're smarter but I know you don't know algebra", he said. "Yeah, I kno- wait what's algebra", Yuki asked looking at him.

He just sighed and walked away thus ending the conversation. "Hey! Answer me!", she said. "Shut up, it's still early okay and I don't want to deal with any numbers or letters now or later for that matter", he sighed looking at her. She pouted, glared and looked away from him. Where are you going anyway, Ria asked him. "Going for a walk what else", he said looking at her. "I thought you were going to town to steal",Ria said.

", I won't", Lucas said. 'Not now', he thought. "Well we're going with you", Ria said looking at him. "!", he exclaimed. "Why", she asked. "Because you..", he said. "See, you don't even have a reason, we're going", Riana said standing up. "Let's go", she exclaimed gently tugging on Yuki and Kira's arm. Yuki already stood up and,went to Lucas. "Ugh", Kira groaned pulling her arm back. "No whining, come on", Ria said tugging on Kira's arm a little harder. "Fine", Kira said.

She stood up and followed the rest. They then began their walk there.

Hey guys, how's it doing. I know that this story is crappy and boring but I'm trying. Pls comment, share any critisms, interests and ideas to me to make this book better or at least manageable. Pls comment and Bye!. See you all in the next chapter. See cliffhanger am I right (¬_¬)ノ.

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