∆ Part 11 ∆

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Dippers POV :
He kissed me.
I cant believe it

Why am i so happy?

Hes so cute

Am i gay?

Why does this always happen?

I groan

"You ok Dip?" M/n asked

"Yeah i just dont know what i am.." i say while still confused

"So your having gay panic?" He says while tilting his head

"I guess i mean i really dont know what i am, i thought i was straight till you well.. y'know.." i said mumbling the last part

"Did i make you uncomfortable?" He asks while scooting back

"Nonononoyoudidntimjustreallyconfused" i say as fast as possible

I cant loose him

I love him

And we just met why am i this attached?

Ugggghh stupid feelings

Why do i have them

I scoot closer to m/n

"I didnt mean to make you uncomfortable" m/n says

"You didnt i just dont know how to process things" i explain

I hug him and we both lay down and start to cuddle

(All i want is some cuddles)

"I really like you... Like really really like you" i say to him

He turns his face into  my chest and nuzzles into my chest and says something i cant make out

We end up falling asleep in each others arms


Thank you for reading

Have a great night!


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