part 17

586 19 14

I climb down from the tree, stepping on thin branches as i try not to fall, hearing Gideon's giggle in the background. I try to block him out as i hear him out his phone away, tears welling in my eyes, blurring my vision as i climb down branch by branch.

" come down faster wouldn't you sweetheart ? "
i hear him say to me as i look down, one hand helping me down, the other pushing down my skirt so he can't see up it, feet positioned on the branches perfectly as the tears soon start rolling down my cheeks, and the pounding sensation of the headache from my crying. (dude i get headaches when i cry)

" i hate you "
i say looking down at him

" so you have the high ground, that doesn't make you more powerful, one phone call is all it takes " (one kiss is all it takes fallin in love with me, sorry)
he says looking straight into my eyes, pulling his phone out of his pocket once more.

i huff out in anger as i step in a branch, breaking it in the process, as i'm dangling with one arm on a thin branch

i scramble my legs to another branch

" don't hurt yourself there sweetheart, we don't want any accidents now do we ? "

i want to be powerful and wipe that nasty smirk off his face, as i step on the ground, walking towards him, i see him and his smirk glaring at me.

" what do you want ? "
i say to him

" the journals "

" there gone "
i respond to him

" liar ! "
i hear him yell as he lunges towards me, trying to pin me to the ground, i kick him in the stomach in which it makes the phone fall out of his pocket as i smash it with my heel

" how you gonna make that call now ? "
i say smirking as he tries to push my head into the ground. he grabs my hair and slams my head on the ground, so with my heel i kick him in his nuts. He flinched back in pain as he lets go with my hair, falling back. i stand up, dusting off my skirt.

cut back to dipper and m/n:

" i'm so confused "
dipper said, putting his hand through his hair, tears developing in his eyes as he realizes that he fell for m/n but never realized that he has some traits as bill, from the slim eyes to the the way that he talks, he never realized he fell for his enemies brother, he loves him, dipper wipes his eyes as the tears fall down his cheeks.

" i love you, i really do.. but i can't get over what you did to him.. "
the world turns black and white as he snaps his fingers, blue flame spark from the tips, the only thing in color being dipper and m/n

" you see .. you hurt my brother. my best friend! you tried to kill him! "
screamed m/n, tears flooding both m/n's and dipper's eyes

" he tried killing me first it's not my fault ! "
dipper threw back at him
" if you love me you wouldn't do this to me! "
dipper screamed, the redness of his eyes filling the inner corners, his heart shattering, dipper loved him and he still loves him, but he can't understand why

" i do love you dipper, i understand bill is a hard ass and he does stupid things but you had to do that? make him stone for forever?! imagine if your sister got turned into stone because she did something stupid, wouldn't you be mad? mad at the person who did it?! "
explained m/n as he floats in the air, looking down at dipper, his nose red from wiping it, his cheeks flushed from crying as the tears stream down his cheeks, and his eyes filled with love and fear. Dipper looks up at him, his eyes filled with love but sadness as he sees his maybe lover floating above him, defending his enemy.

" you don't understand i had to do what i had to do! he was going to kill us all, he would have killed you! "
dipper shouted at m/n, trying to get him to understand his side. m/n wipes his eyes, the tears only coming right back as he understands. his brother never loved him and he was going to sacrifice the love of his life for him.

" dipper i love you, i'm sorry.. "
m/n apologies profusely, the world slowly returning to the original color, him slowly landing on the ground, falling to his knees looking up at dipper, while dipper looks down at him.

" i'm so sorry i'm so sorry "
m/n mumbles as dipper hugs him, m/n's tears staining dippers shirt, gripping the back of his shirt, burying his head into the crook of his neck.

" i love you, through thick and thin "
dipper says as his hand grabs m/n's chin, making him look at dipper, as dipper rubs his jawline,
m/n grips dippers hand tightly, not wanting to let go ever again.

" i love you too. "
m/n snaps his fingers bringing mabel and gideon to where they are at, m/n makes gideon float

" Put me down you walmart bill! "
screamed gideon. mabel runs over to dipper embracing his arms as she glares at m/n

m/n walks over and lays his head on dippers shoulder and closes his eyes
" thank you dipper , i will love you for eternity , my love "
as m/n's arms slither around the back of dippers back, nuzling the back of his neck as a final tear goes down his face, he loosens his grip on his waist, mabel lets go of dipper as dipper turns around to hug him back, dipper laying his head on m/n's shoulder, his eyes slowly shutting, relaxing his body on his now boyfriends body

" of course my love, to eternity and beyond "

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