∆ Part 12 ∆

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M/n's POV:

I woke up with dipper in my arms and i just smiled realizing that the sun is setting

We went out here at 2 but now its 7 pm

I look at dipper and smile while playing with his hair

He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me

"Good morning" i say to dipper

"What time is it?" Dipper responded with a raspy voice

"Its around 7...... 15" i say while streching out the 7 looking at my watch

"How is it so late already?" He says while trying to bury his head into my chest

"We need to get back to the shack" i tell him and i see him rubbing his eyes

"Do we really have too?" Dipper asks

"Yes we do"





"Alright you win this time, but-" i cut him off by kissing him on the lips

He was in shock but kissed back

I grased his bottom lip asking permission which i was granted

I slid my tounge in his mouth and placed one of my hands on his lower back for support and the other on the ground

he layed back while i climb over him as we continue to make out,
I left no space untouched in his mouth

We pull apart, gasping for air

He grabs my face and kisses me again

Fighting for domanice with our tounges, he pulls me on to his lap

Hands on my waist, my hands in his hair

I go down and start leaving little love bites on his neck, kissing over them too

I hear him groan and mutter something

I stop and look at him

"Well thats one way to shut me up" Dipper responded while looking as red as a tomato

"I guess, i think i should do that more often" i responded, winking at him

He gets reder than before, as if thats possible.

"Is it too early to say i love you?" He asks

"Its never to early" i respond


Thank you for reading this! I know this has taken awhile but with report cards coming out and me injuring myself its been hectic, i am sorry this has taken this long but i will see you in the next chapter

Also if you like sally face you should check out my other book



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