Beers On Me - Dierks Bentley

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"Wow, this place is going to be amazing." You say as you look around the bar. Your husband has finally been able to have his own bar after years and years of asking and waiting.

"Thanks baby." Dierks smiles, kissing the top of your head. "What do you think of the name?"

"Whiskey Bent? Overdone."


"Whiskey... Whiskey Row, that's cool. Whiskey Row like Music Row but Broadway." You nod.

"Yeah." He nods back. "Whiskey Row."

Dierks takes your hand and walks through the back door to his truck where he opens the passenger door for you.

It's a quiet, comfortable ride home, over an hour, you two live kind of in the middle of no where so he can have his privacy.

He tried to talk you into moving to Colorado but that was before his big break so he settled for Dickson, Tennessee.

As soon as Dierks is parked, you're sliding out of the shotgun seat and heading to the fence to greet your dogs, three of them.

Howler, a gray faced Golden who is actually pretty quiet. Craig, a rescued pitbull without a single mean bone in his meaty body. And Kyle, a retired race dog who has finally relaxed into the family.

These three are an odd trio but man they were definitely best friends in a previous life.

"Babe, c'mon." Dierks says behind you. "I'm gonna start supper."

You smile and follow your husband into the kitchen where you let the dogs inside, their wagging tails hitting your legs.

He had invited everyone over for a big celebratory meal for Whiskey Row finally getting started.

Within the hour, your house is filled with friends, family, and children running around.

That look Dierks is sending you had your cheeks heating up. He's always wanted kids and it's been up to you for when you wanted to start.

Maybe 'tonight's the night' like what Rod Stewart sang.

You give him a look then disappear up the stairs to your bedroom where he joins you shortly.


"Three! Two! One!"

With the sharp snip of the pair of scissors, Dierks Bentley's Whiskey Row is finally, finally open for business.

One hand on your swollen belly, your husband grins next to you while a girl takes your picture together.

Not soon after the door is opened, the crowd is wall to wall.

Dierks is just beyond pleased with his bar and you are so proud of him. He is blessed to have you and your future child there with him on the busiest night ever.

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