Boy From The South - Michael Hardy

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It's an incredibly busy Friday night at Marty's Blues Cafe in Philadelphia. You're set to perform on stage there in a few minutes.

You and your manager talked about a little tour that hits a lot of small towns in the lower forty eight and every place that you're booked at is just over the moon excited.

Your name on their ads have really brought in business.

"Hey y'all! Welcome to Marty's. We havin' fun tonight?" Missy, the bartender for the night, beams into the mic. She grins when the crowd cheers back. "Alright! Tonight we got (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) performin' a couple songs. Y'all ready?" The audience cheers again and she welcomes you on stage.

"Hey y'all!" You grin, slinging your electric guitar over your shoulder. "Like Missy said, I'm (Y/N) and I'm here to sing a few for y'all."

There's light applause as you start into your first song.

You've been kind of steering away from your own songs- playing more of what your audiences would know rather than all originals.

You start your set with Any Man of Mine by Shania Twain and you light up at everyone singing back to you.

You knew playing covers was a better idea than playing originals anyway.

You laugh to yourself as you watch the women- and some men- sing and dance with each other. You switch to a song from today's hits and lick your lips.

"When your mom and dad are ten feet tall
You got a superhero poster on your wall
Don't know the world's full of greed and lust
You just slide into third and ride the school bus..."

Your eyes follow man heading to the stage. He joins you, picking up a mic of his own.

You're incredibly confused and slightly offended but when this stranger starts singing along with you, your anger dissipates.

"Yeah Hardy!" Someone shouts and your heart stops. You look at your guest who's already grinning back at you.

Thankfully, your set ends and you have time to get a drink and mingle.

"Michael Hardy?" You ask, a beer in your hand as you lean against the table next to him.

"That's me." He flirts back. "You've got a killer voice, darlin'."

"Thank you." You blush. "I had no idea you'd be here tonight."

"Well, surprise." He chuckles. "I had no idea you'd be singin' one of my songs."

"Well, surprise." You giggle back. "Shit, I gotta hit the road. I'm in Tuscaloosa tomorrow night."

"Well, shoot. Lemme give you my number so we can get together."

You giggle again, your cheeks pink. "Okay." You hand him your phone and he types in his info, shooting himself a text. "See you 'round, then."

"You sure will." You wink as you pick up your guitar case.

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