Chain Smokin' - Morgan Wallen

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You yawn as you make your way to the terminal where your flight to Nashville is at. It's three in the morning- the airport is eerily empty.

You find a chair next to the window and drop your stuff on the floor nearby.

After a while of sitting there with your nose stuck in a book, you hear an ornery laugh in front of you.

You look up and lock eyes with an incredibly attractive guy who is about your age, maybe a year or two older. He smiles at you when he catches you looking which makes you blush.

His innocent smile turns into a smirk at the sight of your reddened cheeks.

The woman at the counter starts calling groups and yours is called- that handsome stranger stands when you do.

"Here, let me."

You look behind you and see that good looking man with his hand on your suitcase strap.

You watch him slide your bag into the overhead storage compartment then smile at you. "Where're you sittin'?"

"29B. You?"

"29A." He replies.

You can't help the small smile on your face as he slides into his seat with you following.

"Morgan." He says, offering his hand.

"(Y/N)." You reply as you shake it.

It's a long flight from Vegas to Nashville, you're getting back from a long weekend celebrating a bachelorette party with some friends from college and Morgan is on his way home from a tour.

You're exhausted, so is he, but that doesn't stop the way you're feeling right now.

His hand finds its way to your knee, resting there innocently. You grin to yourself, your head falling back against the headrest.

About an hour or so into the flight, he looks you over then licks his lips. You lock eyes with him and lean over. "Meet me in the bathroom." You whisper then get up, his eyes on your ass as you walk away.

A few minutes later, there bathroom room opens and Morgan squeezes in with you, his lips immediately on yours.

He pushes you back against the wall, a hand holding your hip and the other on your jaw.

Are you seriously about to join the mile high club?

Before you can even try to talk yourself out of it, there's a knock on the door.

It sounds like one of Morgan's friends and it sounds urgent.

He huffs and cracks the door. His friend scolds the both of you for hogging the bathroom but you're too flustered to think about that.

He huffs again as you two exit the tiny bathroom and head back to your seat.

"Sorry." He mutters, running a hand through his hair, slightly embarrassed that it didn't work out.

"You wanna grab a drink after we land?"

"I cant. I gotta thing tonight but if you're in town this weekend, I'd love to buy you a drink."

"Okay." You nod. "Here, gimme your phone."

He hands it over and you type your name and number in. "I look forward to takin' you out."

"Me too."

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