What a night

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With the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintry hearth. It was the battle cry to the gathering night, that the only achievement of darkness is to show starlight all the more clearly.

In that welcome amber glow the time of slower thoughts has arrived, those moments when with open eyes your brain becomes as a perfect empty horizon, seeing, yet content to sit. Feeling the soothing breeze, become absorbed in the music of crickets, letting the gentle energy of nature wash in.

Katherine was perched on a rock staring out over the changing scenery, a maroon skirt circled neatly round her form. Soft, long raven curls rippled down the young girls back, "come on Kath we haven't got all night, " a voice shouted over to her.

Startled she whipped he head round noticing Javier standing a few feet away from her, quickly getting up and shaking the creches out of her dress. 

"My don't you look lovely tonight miss Van der Linde, " he bowed slightly outstretching his arm, making the girl giggle.

She placed her hand in his as he stood up straighter now towering over the girl, "what ya being so formal for, " she chuckled, Javier moving her arm so it was lightly linked through his.

"Dunno. We finally got the women loaded up, Bill and Arthur are already sat up front of the wagon. Good old Williamson stole my spot, " Javier grumbled, as they strode through camp.

"Well, you'll just have to put up with us women for the ride then, " Katherine pat his arm, before he helped up in the back of the wagon following in suit.

"Right now people lets get this party started, Arthur drive, " Karen cheered, clearly already had quite a bit to drink already.

The wagon made its way out of camp, struggling as it passed through the overly used muddy pathway. The girls giggled with their own conversations, Javier getting a word in every so often. Bill and Arthur sat quiet up front, occasionally muttering something to the other.

Soon enough they'd pulled into town, the first half was relatively quiet as the stores has been shut a while. The rowdy mummer of drunks and loud music soon filled the end of the dead town as more illuminating lanterns guided them to the saloon.

Eventually they stopped, parking a short distance away. Javier jumped off first helping each of the women get down before regrouping with Bill and Arthur. Strolling over together as a group they made their way up the few stairs, a drunken man fell through the doors almost onto Karen. Instead of helping the man she shifted her foot slightly sending the man flying face first into the dirt. 

Laughs escaped the few members as Arthur sent a warning look to her, "God lighten up Arthur, " she teased as she burst her way through the doors Mary-Beth only a few strides behind. Before Katherine could follow someone grabbed her arm halting her in place.

 She turned back to see Arthur with a stern look, "what, " she whined.

"Anyone cause you any trouble you come straight to me, got it, " he warned, Katherine sighed trying to pull her arm away.

Arthur simply held her there till she looked back up at him, "yes, now let me go, " she pulled her arm free as Arthur loosened his grip. Wasting no time Katherine stormed off after her friends, scowling at Arthur as she walked off.

"And you call Dutch over protective, " Javier patted Arthur's shoulder as the three men soon headed in.

"Unless you plan on explaining to Dutch why his daughter got groped or some'in worse while she was on your watch, " Arthur protested. 

"She'll be fine, besides Karen knows her way round these places very well, she'll keep her safe. We're just here to look scary if needs be, " Bill spoke up finding the three of them a spot at the bar.

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