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"Welcome to Thatcher Private Institute, students. And I see many of you are enjoying your free dress privileges today," droned a lady at the center of the gymnasium floor. My forehead had a huge bandage in the center, and my left arm was covered in gauze, but Madeleine smiled at me, and I returned with a grin.

"Hey guys!" said a kid, his loud voice breaking the serenity of the gym. Another guy was standing by him, his hair a bright blonde.

"Maddox, shut up. Everyone's looking at us," said Madeleine, her voice low. The kid she seemed to be talking to didn't look like he was in Year 11 with us. He had a lean stature and messy light brown hair. His sense of style was also as loud as his voice. He wore a plain gray shirt that was half tucked in, and his arms were covered in neon green sleeves, cut off from another shirt. He wore baggy shorts that stopped a few inches above his ankles, and neon pink sneakers. Finally, on his head, he wore a pair of fuzzy wolf ears.

"Oh. Sorry I didn't see you. My name is Maddox. But, you can call me Mad. Or Dox. Maybe even Wolfie if I'm in a good mood," he said, grabbing my hand, and forcibly shaking it.

"Er, um, I'm Nash," I said, doing a quick nod.

"I'm Matty," said the kid with blonde hair.

"Ahem, boys. You may introduce yourselves in class. As for now, find a bloody seat!" said the lady at the stand.

"Oh, this is going to be painfully awkward. Ladies, are any of you menstruating right about now? That boss chick said we need to find a bloody seat!" shouted Maddox, cupping his hands. Everyone erupted in laughter, while some of the staff and faculty simultaneously facepalmed.

"Its frustrating yet enjoyable being your friend, Mad," said Matty, shaking his head.

"So, that's why you ungrateful little shits should be lucky that your parents took the liberty of paying money to let you study subjects you won't need for the preparation of your worthless lives. Now, home rooms are posted in the hallway. If you excuse me, I will be going to my office to numb my feelings with vodka. That is all," said the lady, walking off.

"Well, fuck. That woman gets my vote for most truthful person," said Maddox, snapping his fingers in a zigzag motion.

"So, you guys want to check out the lists?" I asked, gesturing to the hallway. Madeleine shrugged, and practically led me to the lists. I scanned the list for my name, and saw Nash O'Hara under Mr. Douglas. I also Madeleine's name, Maddox's, and what I presumed to be Matty's.

"Move it, loser," said a guy with an overly confident voice.

"Sorry for Harper. He's just extra douchebaggy today," said a voice with a similar pitch.

"Shut up, Harrison. Turns out we've got Mr. Douglas together," said the other voice.

"I'm Harrison," said the guy who proclaimed his brother a douchebag. He held out his hand, and I shook it limply.

"Nash," I said. "Is he your brother?" I asked, pointing at the other kid.

"Unfortunately, Harper is my brother. Even better, we're twins," said Harrison dryly.

"Dude, shut the fuck up. We have to find Douglas, and figure out the best ways to skip class."

"It's only the first day of school, and you're finding ways to ditch," said Harrison, rolling his eyes.

"That's my Harper!" exclaimed Maddox, holding out his palms. Harper slapped them, then turned towards me.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, wrinkling his nose.

"I'm Nash."

"Nash, eh? Well, if you're going to hang with the boys, you gotta prove your worth," he said, grinning.

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