troubled heart

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Making a decision

So many things in my mind
Thoughts running, sickening feeling
Why now? Why didn't you say anything earlier?? I don't know what to do-

I love my new but my old one says he likes me too- ahhh fuck! I don't wanna hurt anyone- it's tearing me apart who should i choose? What should i do? I like him i love him but what do i really feel about muffin? Friendship? Pity? love? Hah no way can't be..

I'm sure of my feelings but why am i confused?am i really sure? Ugh why am i such a fool? I was happy- everything was going great- i was handling myself- I'm frustrated of myself why do i care so much? Why am i like this?..

Just when i find someone new they come back to ruin you- or is it because my heart couldn't forget you? That's not true-..

I'm confused- i don't know what to feel-...i have been given time- to think of what to answer to his question-... I don't wanna hurt that person-..but i don't wanna hurt my new too-..

I just don't know anymore-...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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