ASTRIA REGULUS BLACK walked out of her detention with Snape, during which he had made sure to separate the two chosen ones. To induce as much misery as he could out of the two children. The girl had spent the last two hours cleaning old cauldrons while, down the hall a ways, the boy dusted Snape's entire storeroom.
It was a quarter till eleven now, Harry had finished about a half-hour before her, going behind the professor's back and sneaking in to tell her goodbye before he went. Most likely heading to Quidditch practice with the other Gryffindors on the team. A game Astria still knew very little about.
She had expected the bruises to reform once he was gone, but they didn't. And she felt like she was playing a waiting game, of will they or won't they. Maybe they only appeared when the two touched then left each other, or maybe they had to be touching for a long time, or maybe once was all she would have to deal with it. Astria doubted that the last one was the answer.
Thankfully, it was Saturday, so she had no classes to attend, and instead, she could go find her friends. It had been a few days since her dad told her about Ace, with classes and detention she hadn't been able to sit down and have that conversation with him. But Astria was absolutely determined she couldn't keep this from him- her cousin- any longer.
But first, she needed to have a conversation with Draco.
The girl walked a little more, before turning into the library where her friends said they would be. Usually, they liked to go outside, but the snow had returned last night, and it was still blizzarding outside the protection of the castle. Astria was wearing a brown and white sweater, with a brown collared shirt underneath, tucked into a short brown pleated skirt. With nude tights for warmth, tall white socks, her Mary Janes, and her single strap book bag crossed over her body.