happy late Valentine's day!

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This is a valentine's day oneshot of takemichi x Mikey!

3rd person pov:

Takemichy~ Mikey said jumping on takemichi who was laying in bed. Yes honey? Takemichi asked playing with Mikey's hair. Mitchy you haven't talked to me all day... Mikey pouted Mikey Im sick you shouldn't be around me right now. Takemichi said still playing with Mikey's hair. it's Valentine's day so I'll take care of you! Mikey said getting up I'll even cook! He said which earned a horror look on takemichi's face. Oh would you look at that I'm feeling better! Takemichi said getting up. Aw ok Mikey frowned Don't be sad honey I'll make us breakfast and we can eat together. Takemichi said holding Mikey's hand and walking to the kitchen. Here sit down takemichi said pulling the chair out for Mikey. Thanks mitchy Mikey said sitting down. Takemichi made food for him and Mikey than sat down. It looks good! Mikey said already eating thank you Mikey. Takemichi said smiling. Takemichy I have a surprise for you. Mikey said putting his plate up he knew how to do simple things. Ok I'll get ready takemichi said getting up. I'll be right back down. Takemichi said walking upstairs getting ready. After he was done he went down to see Mikey waiting for him at the door. Let's go mitchy! He said taking takemichi's hand. They took Mikey's motorcycle to the top of a mountain the view was beautiful.  Mikey took takemichi's hand and sat on a bench that was at the top. Mikey it's beautiful takemichi said smiling.  I'm glad you like it Mitchy but.. mikey pulled takemichi up and got on one knee. Takemichi you make me really happy Mikey said at this point takemichi was already crying and so I hope we can make eachother happy for awhile. Mikey looked a bit red. Will you marry me? Mikey asked the crybaby takemichi who was speechless. Yes I will! Takemichi said hugging Mikey smiling. Mikey smiled softly hugging takemichi back. Mikey kissed takemichi and they spent the day together.
I'm sorry if this isn't that good and Im not the best at writing but I'm happy with it and I know Valentine's day was a couple days ago but enjoy! This is very short it's only 400 words but I'll make chapter 5 soon and get it out for you guys to read. Bye!

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