Chapter 1

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                This is takemichi x Micky
                     Highschool AU enjoy

Takemichi pov:

As takemichi was getting ready for class he looked over and saw a gum wrapper on his desk? What's this? He thought as he picked it up and saw a number on it. Did someone leave it on his desk by mistake? He put it in his bag before class started. Takemichi couldn't focus during the lesson thinking about the number.When school was over takemichi hurried home and texted the number.

Takemichi: Hello?

Unknown: Hi!! Is this takemichi?

Takemichi: yes..this is may I ask who this is and why you left a gum wrapper on my desk with your number on it?

Unknown: hmm I wanna keep who I am a secret for now

Takemichi: I'm blocking you..

Unknown: WAIT!! I just wanna talk to you I seen you in class and you looked fun :(

Takemichi: For all I know you could be a old man

Unknown: I'm not how about I give you a hint on who I am?

Takemichi: hmm sure I guess

Unknown: ok my name started with a M

Takemichi: I have like a million people in my class that's name started with a M..

Unknown: well I guess you have to keep talking to me to find out who I am hehe

Takemichi: fine..

Unknown: sorry I have to go my friend is calling for me bye takemichy!!

Takemichi: Bye... Wait my name's not takemichy!

Takemichi sighed just his luck now he has some random person who nows his name and school he can't just ignore them. If takemichi was being honest he was kind interested in this M person he wanted to know who he was. Takemichi started on dinner. After eating he got changed and fell asleep it had been a long day and he was tired.

When takemichi woke up he looked at the time and rushed out of bed he was going to be late! When he was done getting ready he  rushed out of the house before he could get breakfast he didn't care tho he didn't have time to eat. When he got to school he made it just in time he sat down and got everything ready when his best friend chifuyu came over to him.  Hey takemichi  you were almost late you would have gotten in trouble for sure this time I mean it's the 3rd time this week! Chifuyu scolded takemichi  jeez sorry mom takemichi said which made chifuyu ignore him and go back to his seat. Alright students please settle down we have a student joining our class. Man I always get put with the bad kids the other teachers don't want.  The teacher said but whispering the last part. Everyone welcome Mikey he will be in our class starting today the teacher announced. Omg Mikey you mean the one who always gets in trouble and suspended... Every whispered not being very quiet about it Alright quiet down. Mikey you can go sit by takemichi. Takemichi please raise your hand. The teacher said while quieting everyone down. Takemichi raised his hand and Mikey came over and sat next to him with a tiny smirk.  Pst hey takemichi Mikey whispered. What is it Mikey? Do you need help with something? Takemichi asked. Yes im confused on number 3 Mikey said knowing full well he knew all of it. Oh it's actually really easy takemichi leaned in to explain. Mikey smiled at him but takemichi was confused. Do I have something on my face?  Takemichi asked Oh you do here right here Mikey pointed at a spot on takemichi's face. Here I'll get it. Mikey wiped a spot on takemichi's face slowly. Takemichi blushed a bit from embarrassment. Mikey noticed and grinned.

After school was over takemichi was heading out when he was stopped by Mikey. Hey takemichy- I mean takemichi Mikey panicked hoping takemichi didn't catch him calling him the nickname M gave to him. hey Mikey did you need something? Takemichi asked. Be my friend! Mikey said making it sound like takemichi didn't have a choice. I- ok I guess that's fine.. takemichi said confused bye bye Michi!! Mikey said running out the room not leaving takemichi anytime to say bye back.

Mikey pov:

Ken-chin Im in love. Mikey said which left draken in shock What are you talking about Mikey?! Draken said confused but still shocked he's in my class he's very pretty too. Mikey said while smiling. Jeez Mikey knowing you your gonna force him to date you. Draken sighed ken-chin I'm not like that!! Mikey pouted whatever you say.. draken thought

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'm really proud of it and hope you like it this took 800 words but it was worth let me know if I should do chapter 2 :) 

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