Chapter Eight

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 In preparation for the Eagle's visit, all Ring times were canceled, and Raven couldn't have been more glad. Who would she fight with now? No one could replace Crane. No one had the potential to be equal.

"Attention Birds, attention," said Vanka over the loudspeaker. Everyone wandering in the hallways glanced up. "Please meet in the cafeteria."

Raven scrunched her brow and met the confused gaze of the new Flock, who had decided to hang out with Raven and pester her with questions. She wasn't surprised when they began to chirp in unison, "Why? Why? Why?"

She shoved them down the hall. "I don't know. Inspection or something."

Raven herself began to freak out. They never had meetings for all the Birds. Flocks were separated.

Still, she marched along with them.

"Oh, hey," Ibis said, catching up to her. "Where's Crane?"

"I don't know," Raven said quickly, thankful when Dove joined them and took over the conversation.

The cafeteria tables were hauled to the other side of the room and the Birds crowded inside.

"What's going on?" asked Quail, a fifteen-year-old. She looked up at Raven. "Do you know?"

"Not a clue."

Stepanova and the other Flock leaders were at the front. Raven met Stepanova's gaze and wedged her way through the crowd. "What's happening?" Raven asked.

"Preparations for the Eagle's visit," Stepanova replied. "Want you to look your best."

Vanka hushed the anxious crowd. "Quiet!"

"Oldest in front," Kazova ordered, "youngest wait in back."

Everyone shuffled around until Raven was at the head of the line and a new Bird was in the back. Raven tried to look calm; she was a role model, after all. Birds didn't get scared. Birds were strong.

"A special visitor comes tomorrow," Vanka announced, and Raven's eyebrows shot up. She'd thought the bosses' visits were top-secret. They had never been told about them before. "You need to look your best and you need to be on best behavior."

"Who's coming?" Swan asked.

"The Eagle," Stepanova told her. "Very important woman."

There was a row of salon chairs, and Orloff waved at Raven to come. Reluctantly, Raven went forward, and the people behind her followed. In unison, they sat in the chairs.

"Hello, Raven," Orloff greeted. Her cheeriness improved Raven's mood, but only a little. She had to remind herself that Orloff had seen Crane die too. She had done nothing to stop it. "Relax. You are always so tense."


Orloff laughed. "You are so funny. Remember last night when you—"

"Orloff, your friends are here," Ivanova called, opening the cafeteria doors to reveal a group of six women. They did not smile. They made no notion that they were friends with Orloff, but she waved at them anyway. They came forward.

"These are stylists," Orloff explained to the perplexed Birds. "They will fix you up."

Every Bird tensed.

The stylists moved to be behind the chairs, and a short woman with red hair—which didn't look natural—came to Raven.

"What are you going to do to me?" Raven asked.

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