The Interesting Day When You Locked People in Closets (reader insert, skyeffrey)

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You were glad to say that Jane Penderwick was your friend. She was quite the character, from rambling on about Sabrina Starr to asking people questions for her love survey, an ongoing project from when she was 11.
You became friends with her when you were both 12, starting 7th grade. For you, it was nerve racking because you just moved into a house on Gardam Street two days before school started. That meant you were that new kid with no friends that everyone liked until you made your friend choice and the rest of them judged you for it. You crashed into Jane when you were leaving the office. She had her nose in a book, you had yours in your schedule. Her book hit your face- it was in slow motion, watching Pride and Prejudice come flying at your face then feeling that pain. Both of you apologized like crazy and were awkward, until you asked what she thought of Mr. Darcy's attitude and actions toward Elizabeth- you still say a silent thank you to Mr. Darcy whenever you read your copy of Pride and Prejudice . If it wasn't for Mr. Darcy and Pride and Prejudice hitting you in your face, you would've never befriended Jane- a sad thought because she reminds you of a more bookish Jane Bennet.
Three years later, and you still thank Mr. Darcy.

* * * * * *

It was a lazy Saturday, you woke up at ten and had been reading Sense and Sensibility, another fantastic Jane Austen novel. Seeming normal, right. Wrong. When you're friends with a Penderwick, normal goes out the window. You're reading Sense and Sensibility when your phone buzzes.

Jane: I need your help!!!

You: I thought you didn't have any homework.

Jane: (Y/N)!!! It's not homework... it's something better.

You: Which would be....

Jane: Setting Skye up with Jeffrey.... they'd be tots adorbs together!!

You: Jane, you're fangirling again. I am curious to know why you want my help setting up your sister and Jeffrey.

Jane: I already have a plan to get everyone, except Skye, Jeffrey, and I, to leave the house. You'll come over after they leave. Then somehow we'll get Skyeffrey together.

You: How? By locking them in a closet that has a listening device on the inside, so we can know what's happening in there, and bake a batch of cupcakes while we're waiting for Skyeffrey to get together.


You: I was joking...

Jane: So, you're coming over in ten and we're going to rig the closet, then shove Skyeffrey in there and wait it out with cupcakes.

You: Is it too late to say no?

Jane: It was too late when you respond to my plea for help.

You: -.- Really Jane.

Jane: See you in five bestie next door neighbor. :)

Sometimes it was unfortunate that the two of you were next door neighbors, like now because there was no way you could save yourself from what you thought was an impending disaster.

"Mom! Gonna go by Jane's, don't know when I'll be home because I unintentionally became Jane's partner in matchmaking." you called down the hall. Your mom came down the hall with a sly like grin.

"So who, and how, are you matchmaking?" she asked you, sly grin turning into a smirk.

"The how is shoving them into a closet that is rigged with a listening device and waiting it out with cupcakes, the who is Jane's sister, Skye and family best friend, Jeffrey."

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