Harry's Mostly Genius Plan

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Harry Potter, a very unusual boy, was facing a surprisingly more normal problem- idiot friends who don't realize they should be snogging. Siriusly, why didn't they just snog already and make everyone feel better. Honestly, didn't they know that everyone knew that they liked each other, except the other. Since Harry had to deal with them, he decided he'd help them along. Only problem was that he wasn't sure how to get both of them in a broom cupboard without their wands.

"Ginny!" he hissed out to her in a whisper. Startled she turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. He continued, "I need your help."

"With what?"

"Getting Ron and Hermione alone in a broom cupboard without their wands." he whispered to her, glancing around to see if either of the mentioned people were around. Looking back at Ginny, he saw surprise in her face.



"That's kind of genius." she said, "Are you ready to commence Operation Romione?"

* * *

The two had been planning and planning, dedicating a week to Operation Romione. A couple letters to the twins (for some supplies) later, and they were ready to put Operation Romione into effect. Overall, the plan seemed simple. Harry gets Ron, knocking him out and taking Ron's wand once they get by the designated broom cupboard. Ginny would do the same with Hermione. Spell the door shut so that it would only open when they kissed.

"Harry what the bloo-" Ron began, but was cut off once Harry sprayed knockout gas in his face. He levitated Ron into the cupboard, shutting the door just as Ginny came, levitating Hermione.

"That was surprisingly easy. I'm thought we'd encounter some sort of trouble since I'm involved." Harry said surprised. Ginny glared at him and smacked the back of his head.


"You probably just jinxed it Mr. Potter." she said crossly.

* * *

"Harry," Ginny began gravely, "I've got some bad news."

"Don't tell me they killed each other!" he burst out nervously, making Ginny raise an eyebrow at him in disbelief.

"What! It's something they'd total do." Harry defended.

"Na, it's nothing like that- I was just over there and they seemed comfy. Only problem is that they want to get out and them snogging didn't work." Ginny explained.

"What!" Harry exclaimed, "What did we do wrong?"

"The door will only open once the spell casters snog." Ginny said, and realization dawned on Harry.

"Sooo, ummmmm, wanna go snog to free Ron and Hermione?" he asked, his blush covered his entire face making him look like a tomato.

"Sure, let's go." Ginny replied with an equally as bad blush.

* * *

Personally, Harry thought that was a very nice ending. Ron and Hermione finally got together (much to Hogwart's relief, even the Slytherins were in relief). And he got to snog Ginny, which was extremely pleasant.


Just don't tell Ron that.

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