Part 12

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Tae can you believe someone killed that boy. I said to Taehyung.

H huh o oh yeah. poor boy I am felling bad for him. he said. his lips craved into a small smirk. Which I failed to notice. 

Gosh Tae I am scared. Who could it be? I said worried. Don't be scared pie. I am here. I will save you. You know right I know Kung-fu. He said. I laugh a bit. 

Yeah yeah I know. I said. Suddenly the teacher came. We sat in our seat. But i cannot stop thinking about the boy who can it be. 

After the school. ( i lazy 😂lol) 

Me and Taehyung got out from school and saw the driver was already waiting for me. 

Taehyung do want to go along? You can came with me. I said worried. 

Aish y/n don't worry. I can go by self just go. And don't worry.

Alright. But text me you reach home.

Alright. Bye see you tomorrow. 

Hmm bye.

I got into car and waved at him.

Be careful. I said as he nodded. 

I will bye.

Taehyung pov

Oh princess no one can hurt me. But I won't hesitate to kill if someone try to steal you from me. 

you are just my. And just my. 

Y/n pov

I came home. And Ash unnie came to me.

Welcome back home y/n. How was your school?

Oh it was great. Thanks for asking. I will go fresh up. 

I can to my room and got fresh up. I flop onto my comfy bed. and someone knocked at the door. 

It's open. I said Than Ash unnie came.

Y/n do you want to eat now? She asked.

No, I will eat when Jimin will come.

Alright than. Than she left. 

I texted Tae.

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