Part 11

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Ring Ring

I woke up by the sound of alarm. Today is Monday means again school. Gosh, I lazily got up and went for shower. 

After 35 minutes

I got out from shower and got ready. Then I went downstairs. I saw a middle aged woman cleaning the living room. Who is she? I didn't saw any maid this  three days. she came to me and said 

Good morning mam. I am the new maid. Mr Park hired me. Mr park already left. He said me sarve you breakfast when you wake up. I already prepared breakfast.

Oh thanks. nice to meet you. By the way you can call me y/n. Not need to be formal. You look older than me anyways. I said with a smile. 

Ok y/n. My name is Ashley.

Oh than can i call you Ash unnie? 

Oh no problem. Just call me what you want. Came I will serve you food or you will get late for school. 

Ah right. Let's go.

I talked to Ash unnie while haveing breakfast. She is actually fun to talk. Thank god Jimin hired her or I would  bored alone. After having breakfast driver drop me to school. I saw Taehyung waiting for me at the gate. I waved at him. He smiled and waved back at me. I ran to him and jumped at his arm. 

Hey I missed you capcake. He said while hugging me back. 

I missed you to bear. I said while giggling. 

Okey let's got to  class now. I said while breaking the hug.

We entered the room. suddenly a girl ran toward me and said 

y/n do you know that a boy died from our class? My eyes widen from shock.

What. Who? I asked.

The boy that asked you out yesterday. She said.

Omo How? 

Someone killed him mercilessly. The person killed him very painfully. She said. Her friend called her and she left. I looked at Tae. He was looking at me.

Tae can you believe someone killed that boy. I said 

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