Part 17

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I was at school when I got text from Jimin.

Mochi: hey .

                     Y/n: hey.

Mochi: did your mom texted you?

                      Y/n: no why?

Mochi: oh she didn't? I think it was surprise for you.

                      Y/n: what surprise? 😲

Mochi: she is coming back from business trip.

                       Y/n: really? OMG I am so happy It's being a month I didn't saw her.

Mochi: hmm.I think she is already in plane.

                        Y/N: okey. Bye I am in class. Talk to you leter.

Mochi: hmm bye. love you.

                       Y/n: love you too. 

I kept my phone and focused on what pro. was saying.Mom is coming I am excited. It's being long time since I saw her.

after class at cafeteria 

Taehyung : "hey you look so happy what happened?

Y/n: nothing much mom is coming back frome her business trip. That's why. I am excited to see her.

Taehyung: oh I see. 

Y/n: by the way what's up to you? you are busy this days.

Taehyung: O-oh it's nothing I am just stuying hard for thr exams. Nothing much.

Y/n: hmm I see. It's okey study herd so that you can help me in exam. 

I said as he laughed. 

Taehyung: yeah don't worry I will help you.

Y/n: hmm you should.

Then we both laughhed and ate our launch.

After school

Today Jimin didn't came to pick me up he has sended his p.a to pick me up.

I reached home and saw Jimin was working on his laptop Iin the living room. And the TV was on it was a news channel. I went to him and sat beside him. I placed my backpack on the floor. 

Jiimin: Oh princess you came back. How was your day? 

Y/n: it was great. What abou you?

Jimin: nothing just doing work all day. 

Suddenly my eyes went to the TV.

Reporter: Today the flight that was landing frome Thailand has crashed down before landing.Most of passangers died. And some of them are badly injured. They all are admitted to the hospital.

My whole world came crashing down. My eyes widen as I heared the news. I looked at Jimin who was still looking at the TV shocked.

Y/n: Jimin this isn't true right. Mom was not in that flight right.

Tears build up in my eyes. I was ttrying my best not to cry. Jimin hugged me tight, I just couldn't hold my tears anymore I cried hard on his chest.

Jimin: It's okay princess. It's not like everyone died on htat flight right. We still have some hopes.

I nodded than we headed out to the city hospital.

Jimin and I ran inside. It's okay I just have to be positive. I said to my salf.

Jimin: Doc. Is there any patients nave(y/n mother name). 

Doc: who are you to her.

y/n : I am her daughter.

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