Never late 2

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Yibo was walking through the aisles looking for deodrant.
He went towards the section he was very familiar with and looked through the rows of deodrant for his usual brand. He turns towards the shelf to pick up the bottle which was kept in the bottom shelf. But as soon as he stands up after getting it he bumps into a guy standing right behind him. His head hits the guy's chest. He hisses and turns around. The guy looks at him with irritation and proceeds to walk away.

But Yibo calls out, " Don't you have eyes? "

The guy turns around and says, " I do have eyes and that's why I am walking away from trash. "

" What the hell do you mean? Who is the trash here huh? "

" You. You are the trash here. You-"his words were cut off when Yibo pulled his collar." Let go off me " he shrieked.

Two hands pulled Yibo off the man. He saw Xiao Zhan standing between him and the man.

Xiao Zhan took a minute to properly look at the man. Then he turned around towards Yibo and said, "Leave him. Let's go. "

" What do you mean 'leave him'. How can I just let him go like that ? Do you know what he said to me ? I will- "

Zhan interuppted him. He said, " I know. I heard. Let it go or you will be in trouble."

" I don't care. And why do you care ? Leave. "

" Yibo calm down. " Zhan said in a louder voice accompanied by a stern look. It did not calm Yibo but it did manage to silence him. Zhan then told him in a voice much softer, " I saw what happened. And I heard what he said. He is wrong. I know. But fighting with him will only be a waste of time. So just leave him be. "

Yibo was still mad. But he didn't argue with Zhan. He didn't even say anything when Zhan took the deo from his hand and put it in the trolley. He took the trolley and was about to guide Yibo out of the aisle when the young men who still stood there watching them, spoke up , his words comprised of ridicule, " Ah, looks like you finally found a hoarder. I never expected you to. You surprised me. "

A mocking laughter erupting from his mouth. Yibo felt weak. He wanted to shout at him. Beat him. Kill him. But he can't. All his rage from before vanished. He wanted to sleep. His legs felt weak.

Xiao Zhan understood it. Yibo didn't say anything. But his red rimmed eyes that were filled with tears threatening to fall and body suddenly feeling heavy spoke enough for him. Zhan turned around and walked away from Yibo. The tears in Yibo's eyes fell down his cheeks. His support had vanished and ge felt lonely and vulnerable. He bit his lips to swallow the sob threatening to release. He gasped when he heard a shriek, followed by a thud. He turned around and gasped. Xiao Zhan stood there with his back to Yibo and ahead of him lay the young man clutching his nose.

" Next time you trash talk someone you are gonna break more than a nose. I swear. " After spitting the words at him, he turned away and walked towards Yibo.

He guided Yibo to the billing section. They paid for their respective purchases. Zhan took Yibo to an icecream parlour. He made him sit at one of the tables and went to bring them both some scoops. All this while Yibo was unresponsive. He was pliant. Emotionally exhausted from the encounter before. Zhan recognised it.

After Zhan came back, he made no effort to begin a conversation. Yibo ate his scoop at snail's pace. Zhan looked at from time to time, just to make sure of he was okay. A few more minutes of silence. Then Yibo spoke up, " Thanks. "

" Its okay. Its my job. "

" Its not. Most people are never bothered. You shouldn't have punched him though. You could get into trouble. "

" Its no problem. He deserved it. He has no right to say those things. "

" His name is Mark. I used to date him. "

Zhan froze. He asked with caution, " Is he Ayaun' s dad? "

Yibo nodded and said, " He left as soon as he realised I was pregnant. Never saw him since. "

" Oh. So he deserved more than just a punch. "

Yibo chuckled. They had their icecreams and left the parlour. That night Yibo invited Zhan to have dinner with them. That would unknown to them be the first of their many dinners together. A start to something beautiful. Something unexpected but still welcome.

Zhan reached his office right on time. He was always punctual. His colleague informed him that someone was waiting for him. He entered his voice and was surprised to see Mark there. However it was not the same for Mark. That young man had look of unbelief and fear covering his face.

Xiao Zhan rounded his table and sat at his chair. The table had several files on it. A desktop. Several papers stacked below the paper weight. And at the centre of the table towards Mark was a nameplate. The nameplate said,

" Xiao Zhan
Sub Inspector of Police "

Mark crushed the paper in his hands. The paper in which he had written a complaint against Yibo that he didn't dare to file now.

Xiao Zhan spoke, his voice soft yet intimidating. " I was going to call you. I have a lot of work, so let me get straight to the point. Do not disturb Yibo anymore. If you see him walk the other way. Never let your pathetic face come in front of him ever again. You got that ? "

Mark nodded frantically.

Zhan smiled and said, " Good. Leave. "

He didn't needed to be told twice. He ran out of there.

Xiao Zhan chuckled and started on his work for the day.

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