Free of Charge 3

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A young school lad was running across the football ground in his sports uniform. His destination- a boy sitting on the stands with his head buried in the sketchbook. He reached the stands and flopped down beside him. The boy noticed his presence but did not give any mind continued to flip through the sketchbook. He did not even mind when the guy took his water bottle to drink water. After he did fill it up to the brim for the same guy. Once he done looking at the sketches he shut the book and raised his head. Upon seeing that the boy was done with his sketching, he asked, " What do you think Yibo?"

The boy, Yibo, replied," They are really good Zhan. I really love the one with the flowers. Did you really make all of them ?"

Zhan replied," Of course. Who else do you think have the talent for this huh? "

" No I was just making sure, since he never mentioned anything before about being interested in this field. "

" I did this as a pass time before. Then eventually I got more interested. Then I looked stuff up online. "

"That's really nice. Atleast one of has it figured out. "

" Hey, I thought you wanted to be dancer. "

" Well I do. But I cannot make a career out of it."

" Of course you can. Haven't you heard of professional dancers or choreographers ? "

"Yeah, but I don't think my dad will allow it. "

" Why not ?"

Yibo did not give him any answers. Zhan did not pry further either. Yibo talked nothing about his father. From what very few remarks he heard from Yibo regarding his father, he has deduced that he is really strict and hard headed. And Yibo fears him a lot. Asking about it always makes Yibo sad. Zhan did not like that. So he avoided the topic as much as possible. It was the end of the school. Zhan being the football captain had to stay back for some extra practice with his team. Yibo and Zhan lived in the same neighbourhood. So they always walked back together. Since Yibo also did not want to go back to his house this early, he also decided to stay back.Yibo and Zhan walked side by side as they headed towards their home. Zhan as per usual was walking with his eyes darting everywhere except for the road. As a result he missed the very obvious pit in the path, which led him to stumble onto Yibo. Yibo however had quick enough reflexes to balance them both. Zhan looked at Yibo and smiled sheepishly. Yibo very used to his antiques just kept on walking after making sure Zhan was on his feet. However after getting a few steps ahead of him Yibo said," You gotta be careful Zhan. I am not going to be there always." Since Zhan was behind him Yibo did not see, how his face got all gloomy at that. Unknowingly Yibo had just said aloud Zhan's worst fears. Yibo had not stopped walking. He was quite a few steps ahead of him now. Yibo did not know it, but Zhan would never let him go. He ran to catch upto him. He held his hand, " Well I would like to see you try and get away from me...." said Zhan and trapped Yibo's hand between his hand and torso and dragged him forward. Yibo completly taken by surprise could not help but follow him for a few steps,until he came to his senses. He quickly tried to pull his hand out of his grip but it was of no use. Zhan was somehow stronger than him and he seemed to effortlessly drag him till they reached his house. When Zhan eventually let go of his hand, Yibo did not look into his eyes and ran off to his house. The giddiness he felt while holding Yibo's hands now replaced by dissappointment and regret. Zhan quickly turned to his house and rushed inside to go straight to his room. Zhan laid on his bed with his face down, not yet out of his uniform.

After a while his mother came in, having found the house to be too quiet which happened to be a really rare occurance when Zhan was around. Seeing that he was still not out of his school uniform, she slowly approached the bed till she stood by his legs . Her soft and beautiful features scrunched into a frown and she hit him on his buttocks. Zhan completely unaware and taken by surprise by this sudden attack from back, in this case on his back, jumped up into a sitting position. "Mom!!" he exclaimed. He could hear the laughter of his little brother by the door. Totally embarrassed that his younger sibling witnessed that he exclaimed even louder. "MOM !!!!"

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