Chapter One: You're a friggin' zombie?

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The Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, have been hunting supernatural things since they were young. Ghosts, witches, monsters, vampires, evil clowns, killer unicorns, fairies, and yes, zombies.

Their job is to kill every single one of those they face. And yes, they have made a few exceptions. But only a few.

A few days ago they were looking for cases and stumbled across one in Seattle, Washington.

"Look Dean. Here's something. It's in Eugene, Orgeon." Sam suggested, looking for cases on his laptop. They have been in the bunker for the last few days, having nothing to do. Not even any cases.

"Oregon? I bet a lot if cooky stuff is going on there." Dean joked and say up in his chair. "What'd you find?"

"A lot of people keep going missing suspiciously. And there have been a few bodies found there, not messed with anywhere but the head and, get this, their brain's missing."

"Really? Well that does sound like our type of thing." The older brother nodded. "Let's go investigate."

"Well, Dean, it is pretty far away. Wouldn't you rather get there faster in a, oh I don't know, plane?" Sam knew he was stepping into dangerous territory.

"Plane?" His brother laughed nervously "No. No planes. We're taking baby. No questions asked." The shorter man stood up and cleared his throat. "Let's pack."

Sam knew that asking his brother to go on or anywhere near a plane wasn't going to work out but who can blame a man for trying? He would act the same way if Dean asked him to drive a clown car or something. But clowns. Those actually are creepy.

It didn't take long for the boys to pack. It never did. And they set off on their way. Driving off on a road trip almost across the country. Instead of a plane. That would be so much faster.

"So, what do you think it could be? Aliens? Demons with weird hobbies? Just some crazy hipsters?" Dean smirked, almost laughing at his own jokes.

"Well, I've been looking at pictures of the bodies. The brains were cut out with like knives or something. Nothing too weird. It could be humans but why would a human want brains? And not even rob them?" Sam rambled on, looking through the files on his laptop in the passenger seat.

"I don't know. See anything out of the ordinary? Do any of the missing people have anything in common?"

"Hm... nope. All of the victims just seemed to be random people you would see walking the streets or while you're going shopping. They all vary in age, ethnicity, and career paths."

Dean sighed. "I guess we'll just have to do some investigating when we get there. For now, why don't you sleep? You're driving in a few hours."

The other nodded and closed his laptop. This was going to be a long drive.


"A morgue? Why a morgue?" Dean groaned, fixing the tie to his 'FBI' suit. Morgues always gave him the creeps.

"Because, Dean. All the bodies went through here. And are still here for holding. It'll be fine. Trust me." Sam assured his brother and walked into the front office of the police station.

"Hello. We are special agents, Macklin and Swanson from the FBI. We are here to view the strange corpses that have been discovered here recently." Dean explained to the man at the front desk, both he and Sam, showing their fake badges. That never seems to fail them.

"Okay, officers. Right this way." A short, skinny man began to lead the boys way off into the morgue part of the station. His badge said, Clive Babineaux. Nice. "Hey, Moore, you've got company."

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