Chapter Four: Did I miss anything?

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The 'Fantastic Four', as Ravi called their new team, arrived at the morgue again and locked Blaine in an empty room. They were all standing together and talking.

"So, you're sure you don't want us to kill him? I could do it right now. No problem." Dean asked the pale woman, well, Zombie. He really didn't want that creep to get out again and kill more people. Dean always killed monsters like him.

"I'm sure. I've got my own way of taking care of him." Liv assured him, smiling. She really enjoyed having the power to do whatever she wanted to him. First, it was his fault she was in all this zombie mess crap. Second, he lied to her about being a good guy. And third, well... he was just creepy.

"If you're sure then we trust you. You're really cool, Liv." Sam complimented her and hugged her. He secretly was hoping they could see the two of them again. This was all really fun. And they all seem like they'd be great friends.

"Thank you two so much! This was like, the most fun I've ever had." Ravi cheered happily, hugging the two men. Screw hand shakes. These guys were awesome. And pretty attractive.

"Okay okay. Thank you guys too." Dean smiled and hugged all of them back. "You're a pretty cool chick, Liv. And Ravi, you're pretty awesome yourself."

"You both are." Sam agreed and looked at Dean. "So, you ready to go?"

Dean nodded "Yep. Let's go, Sammy." He smiled before waving at the two people in front of them and walked away. They were going to miss their new friends.

"They were so... amazing! Liv, we have to invite them over for holidays. And whenever else." Ravi exclaimed happily and sat down, swinging his feet.

"They were pretty cool, weren't they?" Liv asked and sat beside him, smiling.

"That's an understatement. I wish I could do that every weekend." Ravi spoke before they heard Blaine screaming from the locked room.

"So what are we going to do with him?" Ravi asked.

"I have a few ideas up my sleeve." Liv laughed and stood up. "Come on, I'm taking you out to dinner."

"Okay! You can eh your brains around me there, too." Ravi nudged her and they both walked out to the car.

"Do we have any other cases, Sammy?" Dean asked his brother in the middle of humming along to an ACDC song.

"Nope. How about we just relax for a while?" The brown-eyed man asked, relaxing in his seat.

"I guess that sounds good. Maybe we could go to a beach or something." Dean suggested, smiling.

"Sounds cool." Sam laughed to himself, looking at his brother. "That was fun, wasn't it?"

"What was fun?"

"Back there. I Seattle. With Liv and Ravi."

"It was pretty fun. They seem really cool. I just hope Ravi doesn't try to pursue a career in hunting." Dean joked, laughing. He really did have a good time. They made really good company and that Liv fought like an animal. It was great.

Sam laughed along, nodding "You're right. He shouldn't." He agreed and thought to himself "I just remembered that Liv is a zombie."

Dean was quiet for a second "She was, wasn't she...? Hm..." Dean just remembered also. She was way too cool to be a zombie. He thought to himself.

"We need to visit them sometime. And actually stick to it. Do they have our number?" Sam asked, running his hand through his long brown hair.

"Yep. I gave it to her when we left. Just in case anything happens. Or if they want to hang out or something. I don't know."

"Okay. Wait a minute... did you hit on her? You said she was hot."

"What? Sam! No! Why would I hit in a zombie? You can't be serious."

"Oh my Gabriel. You really did. How did she react?" Sam gasped and turned to face his older brother in the seat beside him.

"She didn't particularly enjoy it. But I respect that an- just shut your face, Sammy!" Dean started to get grumpy.

"Wow the first person to ever turn Dean Winchester down."

"Shut up, Sam!" Dean yelled, causing Sam to laugh more. He looked back out the front window.

"Fine fine. Anyways, I'm surprised Cas didn't show up that whole time. Especially when you almost got slammed into a wall."

"You know, Cas doesn't live in my ass. He sometimes has his own things t-" Dean was cut off by a sudden appearance of the angel of the lord, Castiel.

"Goddammit, Cas!" Dean yelled in surprise. He always does this.

"See!" Sam started to laugh even more, his hair bouncing with every move.

"What? Did I miss anything?" The angel asked before both the brothers began to laugh.

"Nope, Cas. Not a thing." Dean laughed and patted Castiel's cheek before continuing to drive off to the bunker.

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