Chapter Three: Blaine. The mayor of Creepsville.

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"Wait he actually hit on you?" Ravi whispered to Liv in the back seat of the Impala.

"Yep. Gross, right?" Liv whispered in reply and smiled. The man was hit but definitely not here type. He was... weird. And he had her eyes on someone else.

"Well he's not the most unattractive man in the world." Ravi smiled and got another playful hit in the arm from Liv. They continued on chatting in the back while Sam and Dean were having their own conversation in the back.

"How many zombies do you think there are in this town alone?" Sam asked, looking through his book in zombies.

"I dunno. Probably a shit ton. I mean, we know there's already two. Who's to say there's not more?" Dean replied, drumming his fingers along with the ACDC song that was playing on the radio.

"You're right. How the hell do we even kill a zombie?"

"Well I've seen a lot of movies about this and I'd say the signature shot to the head."

Sam looked over at his brother and raised his eyebrow, giving him a weird look. "So, you're saying that we're going to listen to what movies say? Have we ever done that, Dean?"

"Oh shut your cake hole, Sammy. I mean it seems pretty legit. Their brains are what's controlling them sooo?"

"Fine. Fine. We'll listen to The Walking Dead." Sam laughed and looked through the window. "So, where do you think we could find this Blaine guy?"

Liv looked up and thought for a second "Well there is this bar he told me to meet him by one time and it's like his signature place." She answered and looked out the window. "Okay, just turn left at that stoplight and it's in the alley over there."

"Yes, sir." Dean joked and listened to her directions, turning into the alley. "That bar, right there?"

"Yep. That's the one." He answered and all four of them got out of the car, Ravi staying the farthest behind everyone.

"Okay, Sam, grab the guns." Dean commanded and looked at the other two. "You can start the talking, Liv. Do either of you know how to fight or shoot, just in case?"

"Well... I've been known to be good on pure instinct." Ravi answered, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I can fight when I'm in full-on zombie mode. Pretty well, too." Liv answered proudly and smiled.

"I guess that's good enough, Ravi. And good. Liv you're number one backup." Dean explained and Sam handed both of them a gun.

The two agreed and Sam nodded for Liv to be the one to lead them in. She put the gun in her back pocket and started to walk in. She saw that Blaine was right there, sitting at the bar.

"Hey, Blaine. How's it going?" She asked and sat beside the pale-ish man. He looked over at her and smiled.

"I'm doing great. How's it going with you, z-buddy." He joked and looked at the others. "Who are these people?"

"Hello, I'm Ravi. Liv's co-worker. And these are Burt and Ron." Ravi answered and smiled, hiding how incredibly scared he was.

"Hey." Dean nodded and Sam smiled slightly. This guy is the mayor Creepsville. I swear. Dean thought to himself. And put his gun away in his pants.

"Hi..." Blaine looked kind of confused but kept up his cocky demeanor. He looked back at Liv "So what're you doing here? Do you need a special delivery?" He asked and smirked, moving a little closer.

"Nope. Actually I need to talk to you about that. Can we take this outside?" She asked. The brains she just had were probably of a pretty brave person.

"Of course. Anything for a fellow, well... you know." He laughed to himself and got up. Everyone started walking outside with him. They were following close.

"I just have a question for you. How do you get all the brains you are giving out? Do you go to grave yards? Sneak into hospitals? I don't get it." Liv asked, keeping a cool demeanor.

"Oh, woah woah. You're not even going to offer to pay for a drink for me? Just going to bombard me with questions?" The older man asked and smirked.

"Just answer her question. Are you ganking people for their brains, or what?" Dean asked, keeping his hand on his gun.

Blaine fake gasped and pretended to be hurt. "That hurts. It really does. You think I would do such a think as murder in cold blood? For food?"

"Oh shut up, Blaine. I knew I shouldn't trust you ever since I first met you." Liv was pretty tough. She crossed her arms. "Now, have you been murdering people or what?"

"Fine. Yes. I've been killing for brains. But what else am I supposed to do? Die? Again? It's just like humans murdering animals for their dinner parties, don't you think?" He admitted, sighing. He really didn't seem like he cared at all.

"No. It's not. You're killing human beings. That's sick." Sam retorted, pretty much disgusted.

"What are you guys going to do? Kill me? I'm already dead. And I know that you would do the sans thing of you all were in my shoes." The pale man muttered.

"We actually could kill you. Right here, right now." Dean smirked and pulled out his gun.

"Really? Do you think I wouldn't put up a fight?" He asked, two pretty big men coming up behind him and crossing their arms.

"Sam, you get right, I get left." Dean ordered and they both started shooting at both the men, missing every time. The big men ran over and started attacking the brothers.

Liv looked down, her eyes turning red. She smiled. Full. On. Zombie mode. The blonde sprinted over to Blaine and tackles him to the ground, punching him.

Ravi didn't know what to do so he just stood there a watches, paralyzed in fear. Dean and Sam on the other hand were using their fighting skills they've learned over the years.

Sam punched the huge man well... zombie, against the wall knocked him over on to his back. Dean just finished throwing the other against the wall and knocking him ou. And Blaine managed to stand, hitting Liv back on to the ground.

Sam threw the other zombie on to a random car, knocking him out as well and looked over to check on the others who were both trying to knock down Blaine.

"I have this, Dean! Stop!" Liv ordered the other and punched Blaine hard into the pavement, pulling her gun out and pointing it at his head. "Blaine. This is over." She growled.

Everyone was standing there, panting and silent. Blaine spat up some blood and looked up at Liv, shaking his head. "I thought you were better than this, love. Turns out you're just like everyone else. In it for the 'better good'"

"Well. Good is better than Evil." She smiled and Sam ran over, pulling the man up and putting him in handcuffs.

"Okay, shoot him." The brunette okayed her but she shook her head.

"No. I'll take care of him my own way. Later." She answered and looked at Ravi who just ran back over to them from who knows where.

"Look, Liv! I found some more brains for you from Blaine's car!" He smiled proudly, holding up a few big to-go boxes. The others laughed.

"Thanks. You're a great help." Liv laughed and everyone started to get everything together, going back into the Impala.

They began to head back to the morgue. They chatted along the way, laughing a lot and annoying the crap out if their 'prisoner' they're keeping in the car with them. He wasn't a happy camper.

// Thanks to everyone that's reading and favoriting! I'm really enjoying this story and am kind of upset that the next chapter is the final one. I hope the two shows actually do crossover some day. ^.^

~Desi (dreamer-type)

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