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I just need a break. I'm sorry for the lack of updating, but I've been going through a lot.

First, I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis, and I'm also anemic. I'm on about 4 medications, and I'm going to start physical therapy soon. I found out yesterday morning, after I went to the ER after screaming and crying about how I couldn't move at three in the morning.

For weeks, I was yelled at, told to take medicine for the pain, stuff that didn't work. My doctors told me that everything I had been on wasn't good. It wasn't going to help me, and everyone felt like shit.

I was right. After months of constantly complaining, missing school constantly, multiple trips to the doctor, orthopedic and even the ER, I was right. Because everyone dismissed me as being dramatic, too lazy, complaining. But it turns out, I was right.

The doctor told them that I was strong. They said I was in agony basically. That I was in a great deal of pain, something nobody would know had it not been for my grandmother who I am internally grateful for.

I'm sorry for wasting time I could've been writing with this rant, but I needed to get this off of my chest. I'll hopefully be writing again, but for now I need to try to get better.

Also, download the Vent app. It feels good to vent on, and it's made me feel better. I'm on there at jjolinsky if you're interested at all, but I recommend it.

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