Double Trouble (Leo)

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I was heading to the bowling alley to meet up with a few friends. Ever since Leo and I started dating, I never had time to spend with my friends and I was happy that they were open today.

Walking through the doors, I spot a familiar face talking to a girl. It looked more like flirting. Taking a closer look, I gasp silently when I see that it was Leo. But he didn't look exactly like my Leo. This one was dressed in dark blue, with dark blue hair that is shaved at the sides and piercings. He had an eye patch on his left eye. And he also was a little tanner. My Leo would never dress like that. It was a double.

Spotting my friends, I noticed the Leo double spot me and he hisses at the girl who was touching his arm seductively. She backs off, huffs, flips him off, then walks away. I slightly chuckle but stop when my friend, Kendra, taps my shoulder. "Hey. Do you know the cute hunky punk guy that's staring at you?" She asks, placing her hand on her hip and waiting for an answer. "No. I don't. But he looks familiar to Leo." I whisper, sitting down on the bench and putting on my bowling shoes. "Who's Leo? Is he that mystery guy you've been running off with these past few days?"

Crap. I never told her about Leo.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend."

"Omg. You, (y/n), have a boyfriend. Does he have cute brothers?"

"He does but I think they are all taken." She sighs. "Lucky them."


I go up to the aisle and prepare myself to roll the ball. But before I could let it go, someone stops me. "Here. Let me help you with that." I turn to see the Leo double with a huge smile on his face. "Um. N-no. I got it."

"I insist. Just let me help you out. I'm not hurting anyone."

My boyfriend might walk in and see us. I knew it was a possible since Leo is a ninja and is really quiet. He could be anywhere, since he's a bit over protective and its nearing nighttime.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you do that."

"Why not? You have a boyfriend?" I nod and he growls. The Leo double leans down and whispers in my ear. "He should give you to me. Since I can do much more than he can." Shoving him away, he grabs my arm and holds in against my back. "Don't ever shove me like that. All I wanted to do was help you."

"Yeah. And basically grope me." He chuckles and tilts his head, kissing my neck. I squirm under the touch and try to get out of his grip. By now, everyone was staring at us and I was scared. Will he actually do something? "Like this." He grabs my butt and fondles with it. Gasps and whispers are heard from around the building. "Stop." I plead.

Where is leo?

"Please. Stop."

"Not until y...." His voice is interrupted as his body is pulled off of me. I fall to the ground and whimper.

"Leave my girlfriend alone."


"Or what Lameonardo? You gonna hit me like you did a year ago. I live here now. With you, and there is nothing to stop me." Leo kicks the double in the gut. While he is hunched over, Leo grabs him by the collar of his jacket. "Leave."

The double shoves Leo away and walks away. "I'll get you back." Those were the last words before he left. I hug Leo immediately and he hugs back. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine Leo. I'm really fine." He checks me and sighs. "Okay." He places his hands on my face and kiss me. "I'm glad I followed you. I'm sorry I let this happen." I touch his face. "Everything is fine."

"Um. Are you going to introduce us?" Kendra and the rest of my friends stand there, with smiles on their face. Luckily, everyone was back to their normal routines and playing games and such.

"Yeah. Leo. These are my friends. Kendra, Logan, Kimmie, and Jonsey (girl.) " He bows and they do the same. I shake my head and kiss his cheek.

"Wanna play?" I ask. Leo smiles and nods. "Sure."

We played for the rest of the night but one thing was on my mind. Who was that guy and why did he look like the dark version of Leo?

I didn't ask Leo about who he was. They seemed to have a feud going on. And I'm going to figure out what it is.


I am back after a very very very long time. I was busy and depressed but finally got the strength to post. Anyways, how was this one. Is it good? Or is it good? Comment??

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