Cody!! (Cody's P.O.V)

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(oh. Look who shows up. *Cue Tom Hiddleston Laugh* Hehehehhehehe. And a plot twist. He is here in the past and is here to help the guys....repay them for helping him. Enjoy. Oh, also. I might have another Boyfriend Scenario Book just for the famous Cody Jones. PS. You will be written as Leo's Gf, Raphs Gf, Donnie's Gf, and/or Mikey's Gf. Not (Y/n).)

I walked through the door, looking at an old friend, family. I watched as he comforts his girlfriend, telling her that he would find the person who injured her and her brothers partners. When he finishes his small speech, I speak up.

"Don't have to. I already know." Mikey stares at me, surprised I was here in his time.

"Who?" Mikey asked, curiously.

"The doubles."

"Mikey, is he talking about the guy that attacked us a few weeks ago?" His girlfriend asks him. Mikey sighs and looks down at the floor, slightly nodding. He then looks up and stands, kissing his girlfriends cheek and walking towards me. "I'll be back dudette."

"Okay Dude."

Walking into the hallway, Leo, Donnie, and Raph show up and they all have surprised looks on their faces. "Cody!!" I wave and go over to them with Mikey following behind.

"What are you doing here?" Raph asks, leaning against the wall.

"What he means is why are you here, in the past? Isn't this gonna affect the time loop?" Leo questions, crossing his arms over his chest with a serious look on his face. I shake my head.

"Not exactly. As long as we don't change anything important, its fine." I pause and gather up the information I needed to tell them. "You guys are in trouble, big trouble with your doubles."

"Haha. You rhymed." Mikey snorts immediately stopping seeing this as a serious matter. I smile and chuckled.

"They've been around. We had a run in with them a month ago." Raph mentioned, "They basically showed up out of nowhere and attacked us."

"I know. That's why I'm here. They attacked your girlfriends."

"WHAT!!!!??" They say in unison. I flinch a bit before answering.

"They don't remember anything because of the brain damage, they forgot who attacked them. That's why your doubles slammed their head against the surface. They knew it would affect them. I'm sorry I cane so late, I didnt know this would happen." I sighed, brushing my hair back with my hand.

"Its fine Cody. Its not your fault. Its no ones. We didn't know they would cause damage like this." Leo says, putting his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "We helped you before. Its just your turn to help us with this situation."

"Thanks Leo."

"What are we gonna do?"

"We have to contact April and Casey for help. Cody, don't mention anything about you being their grandson. Understand?" Donnie explains.

"Yes Don."

"Okay. Now, let's get to work. Guys, we can't mention this to the girls at all. Or they will try to interfere with the doubles." They nod and Leo looks right at Raph. "You need to stay away from your girlfriend because we know how she is Raph." He groans but nods anyways.

"Alright. And we gotta hurry, send them back to the future."

"YES!" Mikey exclaims, jumping around.

We stare at him and burst out laughing and he stops when he notices.


"Let's go. We have to get this over with. Sensei will be here shortly and we already notified the family. Raph's girlfriend older sister is already here." Donnie mentions.

"Good. Now, we gotta ago."

The boys nod and we ran out of the hospital.

With no plan at all.

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