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. . .

13 March, 2021

I leaned my head back in the car seat, glancing at Seungmin and Jeongin from time to time. I unlocked my phone, texting Jeongin's mom that he was with me. As for Seungmin, I texted his roommate who replied almost instantly, asking if Seungmin was ok or needed help.


Just a reminder so you
don't forget we're
meeting tomorrow.
10:45 PM

Duh, I remember.
I won't ditch you
don't worry.
11:22 PM

Miss girl, you better
not XD
I'll pick you up at 12
in noon.
11:23 PM

Anything specific I
should wear?
Don't wanna make
a fool outta myself.
Last time I wore
ripped jeans and
hoodie and Minho
took me to the opera.
11:23 PM

Wait. Omg that's
hilarious XD
Btw wear something
casual and comfy.
Dress how you
usually do.
11:24 PM

Noted :)
11:24 PM

You're still up btw.
11:25 PM

Quite not but quiet
yes. Team dinners.
11:26 PM

Team dinners are
11:26 PM

Yeah because you
don't have to look
after two drunk
11:27 PM

Wait, you need
help or something?
11:27 PM

Nah, I'm good.
11:28 PM

What a lie. I'm not good at all. I mean it with my whole heart. I thought, glancing at Chan driving the car.

If you say so.
11:29 PM

See you tomorrow
then. Good night.
11:29 PM

Sweet dreams.
11:30 PM

"Well, where do you go from here? I'm new to this place." Chan asked.

"You literally have google maps in front of you." I said as he smiled sheepishly.

"You moved out of your previous house, I see." He spoke as I scoffed.

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