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Yuna looked out the window as the math class came to an end. She waited patiently for the bell to ring, holding her small lunch bag on one hand.

The bell finally rang and Yuna sprinted out of her classroom down the hallway to the class above hers. She leaned back besides the door and waited.

"Always on time" Lia joked as she went out of her classroom to meet her friend.
"I'll never be late" Yuna winked after this and wrapped her arm on Lias, then they began to walk.

"Where should we have lunch today Yuna?"
"I think the lunch is special today so the cafeteria is going to be packed"
"How about the small green area in the back of the school? We used to eat there all the time"
Yuna nodded and the two headed towards the designated area.

Once they arrived they sat down besides each other and began eating.
"Yuna! Your lunch always looks so much more yummier than mine" Lia pouted.
"Don't pout! I won't give you a bite this time"
Lia made a 'hmph' sound and crossed her arms looking away.
They continued eating till Lia broke the silence between them.
"Yuna! I almost forgot!"
"What? Everything okay?"
"Yeah yeah, but you know that guy from my class called Elliott? He's pretty popular"
"I've seen him around, what about him?"
"He asked me to meet him in the roof after school! Ryujin and Yeji say he's gonna ask me out, but I don't know, we don't know each other much..."
Yuna was taken back by this and was left speechless for a few seconds before regaining her posture.
"Well... if he does ask you out, what will you say to him?" Yuna tried to seem cool and chill about it, almost as if it didn't matter to her.
"I'll probably say yes, he's really handsome and everyone says he's super nice and sweet, so I'd probably give him a chance"
Yuna became slightly angry by this and continued eating her food quickly in silence.
"Oh! If I'm meeting him afterschool then you'll probably have to walk home alone today, I'm sorry" Lia smiled at Yuna.
"It's okay, I hope you have fun" Yuna said coldly, she finished her food quickly and stood up.
"Sorry I told Chaeryeong I would help her with something during lunch, I'll see you later" Yuna said this and ran off with tears on her eyes. She couldn't contain her feelings of sadness infront of her friend and decided it was best for her to leave. She ran into the girls bathroom and locked herself in a stall before fully breaking into a heart-breaking crying.

She was so in love with Lia and for a while she had convinced herself that it was enough with just being her friend but now... she couldn't bare the idea of Lia being with someone else. Would they still walk home together? Spend lunches together? Would Lia still have time for her?
All this questions clouded her head as she cried in the bathroom for the rest of the lunchbreak.

Lia, on the other hand, was left in shook by her friends reaction and went back into her classroom after the break wondering if she had done or said something wrong.

Back in Yunas class she covered her red and swollen face from the crying. She was trying to keep it together during her last class of the day.

"Yuna?" Chaeryeong asked as she sat besides her, putting her hand on her back.
"Are you okay?"
Yuna shook her head. Chaeryeong saw that Yuna couldn't get any words out and asked the teacher if she could take Yuna to the nurses office cause she had a stomach ache.

The teacher agreed and the two walked together.
"What happened?" Ask Chaeryeong.
"... Lia ... some guy named... Elliott" Yuna could barely get the words out and the ones that left her lips were more like whispers.
"Elliott? I heard before he had a crush on Lia... I never told you anything cause I thought it didn't matter... are they dating?"
"They... will be"
"Yuna..." Chaeryeong hugged Yuna tightly and patted her back.
"You should tell her how you feel you know? Its the only way you'll-"
"You know I can't" Yuna interrupted Chaeryeong.
"I can get to the nurses office on my own, thank you for helping me out. You should go back to class"
Chaeryeong nodded and walked away, Yuna went to the nurses office and lay in a bed while the school day ended, dreading the upcoming confession.

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