I lost you

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Chaeryeong didnt know what to do, so she tried calming Lia down who seemed to be in shock after Yuna ran away. She kept telling her that it was fine and trying to come up with lies and excuses to explain her reaction. Lia just remained motionless staring off to the distance. Elliott joined Chaeryeong by trying to distract Lia and telling her they should go check out other games and that Yuna would be back shortly. But Lia didn't move or speak. "Yuna..." was the first thing to escape her lips in an almost whisper tone, afterwards she shook off Chaeryeong and Elliott and ran out, intending on finding Yuna and talking to her.

Meanwhile Yuna ran as far as she could till she reached a small playground in a park. It was empty, so Yuna walked over to the swings and sat on one, moving slowly back and forth as she stared at the ground. 'He won, he has her, she obviously likes him the way he likes her. I have no chance, but I don't think I ever did...' She thought with tears still silently rolling through her face.

Lia ran around, searching first in the bathroom at the arcade and near by places. After not seeing Yuna in any of them she thought she perhaps had ran farther than she originally thought. Elliott caught up to her, worried he tried convincing Lia to comeback to the arcade.
"Lia come on, don't let her spoil our fun, let's go back inside and play dance revolution or something" Elliott said.
"Spoil our fun? Yuna is my best friend, I will not go and play stupid games while I know she's somewhere crying" Lia replied angrily.
"Alright alright, I get it, let me help you out then, let's go sit at a cafe and think of places she might have gone to"
"What are you even saying? Go sit in a cafe?"
"Running around won't do you any good. Come be smart"
"Be smart? Give me a break. You wanna go sit in a cafe and waste time, be my guest. I'm gonna go find my friend" Lia turned away from him and took a few steps before Elliott stopped her by grabbing her arm.
"Let me join you then"
"No thanks. Why don't you go play dance revolution or something" Lia shook off his hand from her arm and ran off.

Some time passed and Lia was getting more and more worried. She called her home to see if she had gone there but no luck. It was getting late and there was still no sign of Yuna. Lia just ran in different directions, looking inside every store, looking in every alley, but nothing. She tried calling Yuna but her phone was turned off.
She felt hopeless and stopped running, walking slowly when suddenly she reached a park and then on the playground sitting alone in the swings she saw...

"Yuna!" Lia screamed running towards her friend. Yuna stood up surprised, before she could even make out it was Lia, she had arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.
"Oh my god, I was so worried" Lia said, she broke away from the hug, still holding Yunas arms with her hands tightly as though she was scared Yuna would run off again.
"Why did you turn off your phone? Why did you leave suddenly without saying anything? I've been looking for you for what seems like ages! I was so worried Yuna. You know I didn't mean what I said back at the arcade about losing your touch, I don't care who wins, I'm sorry if I upset you. Still Yuna running away is a bit of an over reaction"
Yuna stared at Lia in disbelief. Her friend running after her to find her, but she was so clueless, she really thought it was all about some game. Yuna couldn't bare her feelings anymore, she felt she had lost it all already, there was no more to lose.
"It was not about the game..." Yuna said.
"Then what was it? What's going on Yuna? You've been acting so weird towards me lately, you used to tell me everything but now you're all closed off and distant. It's like we're strangers"
Yuna sighed and took a step back breaking the grip of Lias hands in her arms. She took a deep breath.
"How can you not know? Even though I always thought I was pretty good at deceiving you, I would think with all that's been going on lately that you would finally see... finally understand..."
"What Yuna? Understand what?" Lia screamed frustrated.
"That I love you!" Yuna screamed out with all her energy, tears rolling down her face as she looked at a now surprised Lia.
"I love you Lia, I always have. And not like a friend or a best friend. I love you like I want to be with you forever, to hold you, to be the reason you smile, to protect you. I was always scared of telling you in fear it would ruin our friendship. But now with Elliott in the picture... I... I have lost you. He likes you and you like him. I have always had hope that one day my feelings for you would be returned but... I now realize, specially by your surprised reaction, that that would never happen. I have nothing to lose by telling you how I feel now. Since all I ever wanted was you and now your heart belongs to someone else"
Lia stood still, her face seemingly stuck in a shocked expression. She tried to say something but no words came out. A few minutes of silence passed and all Lia was able to say was "Yuna..."
Yuna understood this to be a rejection, she was expecting it but it still hurt her heart deeply once it came true. She turned away from Lia.
"You don't have to say anything, I already know... I hope you are happy with him Lia, and I hope you understand that we can never be friends again... I'm sorry" After this Yuna ran off to her house while Lia stayed there, thinking.

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