1. Fear at First Sight

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Violet's POV

Life was changing...my parents died a couple years ago, causing me and my brother's to fight for ourselves. My brothers are able to do it, 3 of them lived togther, leaving me and my other brother at home with mum and dad. I was 15 when my parents died, having to grow up with 4 males and no females, let me tell it's hard. My brothers, Jack (24), Jamie (21) and Lucas (19) looked like dad looked like our father, pale blue eyes, black hair and tan skin. Tommy (18) and I were mixture of both mum and dad, I have mum's platinum blonde hair, Tommy had black hair like dad. I had dad's tan skin and eyes, Tommy had dad's tan bit mum's brown eyes...I was my mother's precious girl. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Violet Marianna Jane Moon, the youngest of 5 and I prefer to be called Letty. I just celebrated my 17th birthday and Jack finally explained how and why my parents died.


"Letty, I know you have been wondering what happened to mum and dad." Jack said as he fiddled with his hands.

"Jack...just tell me." I said, grabbing his hands in mine.

"Okay...you remember how dad would get phone calls in the middle of the night and he would stay out so later? Well, him and mum were apart of a gang, The Vendettas ...not so much mum but she was involved. When they died, we had to take over the gang...so were you, but..." He said, not looking in my eyes and stood up, turning his back to me.

"But what?" I asked desperately, standing up.

I watched as he turned to face me. His blue eyes turning dark. They only turned dark when he was hiding something. But before he could say anything, Jamie and Lucas came bursting through the front door, slurring their words.

"Little Sissy!" They yelled before running towards me and smothering me with kisses.

I managed to pushed them off while laughing as they dumped down on the couch. I looked at Jack, who couldn't even look at me.

"We'll talk about this later, Jackson." I said, running up the stairs towards my room.

~End of Flashback~

"Violet Marianna Jane Moon, were you even listening?" I heard Jack said, glaring at me.

"Yes, Jack. I did." I lied.

We were sitting in my halfpacked room. We were moving to some small town, Jack said it would be safer for the family if we were living somewhere. I didn't mind, Tommy did because of his" booty calls".

"Okay, so what do you think?" Jack said, collapsing on my bed.

"About what?"

"You going back to school?"

"I really have no choice, Jack. I promised mum and dad I was going to finish school." I said, running my hand through my waist long blonde hair.

"I know you miss them, Letty. I miss them too." He said, getting up from my bed and hugging me.

I smiled and watched as he retreated out my door. I sat down on my bed and unlocked my iPhone. Before I could even do anything, I heard a knock on my door. Snapping my head up, I saw Jamie standing there with two beers and smiling.

"Hey." I smiled, putting my phone back on my bed.

"Whatcha doing?" He said, sitting on my bed next to me.

"Just bracing myself for the move."

"Why are you bracing yourself?" He said, handing me a beer.

"Thankyou. And because this is where we grew up, Jamie. Its hard to kiss it goodbye. Its the only reminder other than photos that I have of mum and dad." I said, taking a big sip from my beer.

"I know, I feel the same, Violet. Its just...we have to, we want you to be safe and if it means packing up and moving to a different town...then its when we have to do." He said, dropping his arm around my shoulder.

We sat and spoke about silly things for hours before we realized how many beer bottles were scattered around my room. I didn't realize how drunk we both were until we tried to walk down the stairs.

"Okay, Letty. One foot infront of the other." Jamie said as he was trying not to burst into laughter.

"Shutup, idiot. You're pulling me from my focus." I said, finally reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"Yaay!!!! I made it, suck it Jamie." I laughed as I walked into the kitchen.
I could hear Jamie laughing then falling. I peeked my head out the kitchen to see Jamie holding his head, causing me to burst into a fit of laughter. My laughter stopped when I saw Jack standing outside with a tall girl, roughly my age. She was beautifully hot, with her short black hair, black beeine and tan skin. I could hear Jamie groans coming towards me as I continued to stare.

"Who's that?" I asked, turning to look at him.

He looked at the girl and his once happy eyes turned dark and he tensed in anger.

"Nobody." He said, making his way outside to Jack and the girl.

Whatever was wrong with Jamie was serious, because he started arguing with Jack. I was about to walk away when the girl looked in my direction, her jade green eyes froze me in my spot. If I knew any better, I would of mistaken her for a guy. I watched her lips pull into a lopsided smile before Jamie made her snap her head back towards the guys. I shook my head and went into the lounge where Tommy and Lucas were fighting over the remote. As soon as I walked in, they both stopped and smiled at me. I smiled back and sat between the two of them, knowing they wouldn't fight with me in the room. I was about to talk before I heard the back sliding door open and footsteps coming towards the front door. I turned towards the sound to reveal the boyish girl. I couldn't look away, I could feel my insides beginning to melt just by looking at her. She gave me her smile again before disappearing out the front door.

"Who was that?" I whispered to Lucas.

"Ashley Moore...a.k.a Ash." He said, clenching his teeth.

I just nodded and continued looking at the tv.

"Violet, have you packed everything?" Jack asked as I sat in the front seat.

"Yes, Jackson. Come on, lets go." I said.

Tommy, Lucas and Jamie were squeezed in the back and fighting already. I smiled at my life, I have amazing brothers that would never let me go. I looked at the now empty house as Jack climbing into his truck. Goodbye mum and dad, hello BlackWood.

Hey guys, I know it was a bit stupid but yeah. Please comment or vote or both! :) Have a great day, hope you continue to read.

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