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Not edited again🌺🥀

(Editor Dave: Ik, ik I'm more than a month late but it's fineee.)


"Wake up brat, you're getting fostered."


I didn't want to get fostered. And totally not by them. They were way to fucking weird, most people would've already said no.

And as I can see they'll use the manipulating trick, probally also hitting, totally that Techno guy, he looked like a Chad, he probably just punches orphans in his free time. 'Stay calm, Tommy. Just annoy the shit out of them until they send you back." I said to myself. 

I follow mx. Betty downstairs and am greeted with 2 smiles and an angry glare again. "Hey mate, do you have all your stuff packed?" Phil asked me. "Yeah." I plainly responded with no positivity shown at all. "Alright then, we're set to go!" The beach blonde cheeringly said motioning for his to follow him. 

As we get to his car I see it's a black SUV. Oh shit, were they richer people? Awh man, why the fuck does the world hate me so much to let me go with a rich family again, rich families are always way worse. But I look at the bright side, I finally won't have mx. Betty annoying and hitting me. They are literally the devil themself. But foster homes are actually worse if you think about it. Maybe I shouldn't be overthinking this much- 

"Tommy, are you okay? You've been staring at the window for quite a while now." Wilbur says cutting me out of my thoughts with a slightly concerned tone, yeah right. 

"Fuck off bitch, I'm fine." I responded hoping that I'd make a bad impression. Sadly their expression didn't change, I'm sure it will in no time. Techno's mood have already changed which was good, but I'd rather have it change to something else than anger honestly, his furious glare kinda creeped me out. And I didn't even do something THAT bad, so what the fuck was his problem?

We finally mad it to his house and it was actually pretty expensive looking. But just a normal family sized home luckily or I'd probably have so much to clean- wait of course I won't clean, big man Tommyinnit doesn't clean for any rich bastard, ever.

We got inside and the old man began to speak again. "Welcome home, mate! Wilbur would like to give you a tour if you'd like." His smile made me throw up. I've met lots of manipulators before, he won't get to me. I just rolled my eyes and said. "Yeah sure, whatever I don't care let's just get this over with." No one's mood seemed to change and it was kinda freaking me out. 

They're either fucking weirdos who genuinely don't care, or they're manipulators who want me to believe that they're nice, or they are gonna beat the shit out of me later. I'm 100% sure it are the last 2 though. At least the pinkette had some sense into him. But not the kind of sense I'd want because he looks like he'll just shred me to ashes within second, it wasn't quite pleasant if you think about it. 

When I thought Wilbur was finally done with touring me around the house, he stopped at another room and said "This is your room, I hope you like it!" I just rolled my eyes. He opened the door and I was amazed at what I saw.

The room is so fucking huge! And it was more fancy than anything I've ever had. Normally I'd just get a small room in the basement or I'd have to sleep under the stairs, or I wasn't allowed to sleep at all. The room had a king sized bed at the left wall and a closet in front of it, there was also a desk with a computer setup and a private bathroom. It was fucking amazing. Almost everything was red so I guess they read that in my paper, I'm surprised they even added it though.

Wilbur chuckled at my reaction so I immediately got my walls up again. "I assume you like the room. Sorry it isn't decorated enough, we can always go shopping for more if you'd like!" The chocolate brunette said. Was he fucking serious?! This room was overly decorated!

"Are you fucking serious? This room is fucking overly decorated you dumbass!" I said. He just fucking laughed at my reaction once again. What the fuck? 

"Okay, I'll leave you alone now. If you want to come out and do something with us you can always feel free to do so. It's getting late though so make sure to go to bed on time." He informed me and with that he left. Yeah sure, like I'll ever want to do something with them. They just want me to do something nice with them but soon enough I'll get beaten half to death.

When he finally left I walked over to my small backpack to unpack. I didn't even see the point in unpacking anyways. I had nothing more than one pair of pajamas, a toothbrush, a hair brush, my so good as broken phone and a blade in my backpack and I'm pretty sure I'll just get sent back within a week.

However I still decide it would be best to unpack though since I didn't already want to get beaten on my first night here.

As I was almost done I got a feeling I was being watched. I decided to push the strange feeling away but as soon as I was finally done with putting everything in place I happened to see a familiar pinkette in the corner of my eye. I turned around and was right. The fucking creep was watching me unpack my shit.

"Why the fuck are you watching me unpack my shit." I spat at the dude. I gotta admit, he was very intimidating and his creepy glance kind of scared the shit out of me. 

But was I really wrong? The man literally looks like he could literally beat me in a fight with his pinky toe. He cut me out of my thoughts by saying the next few words.

"Let's have a little chat, kid."

Oh man, what the fuck. I'm totally screwed.

Your shitty attitude - SBI adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now