Real Cats Wear Plaid

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Here's your daily dose of Kipo you were looking for! 


Kipo climbs up a mountain in her burrow, pickaxe in hand, as she is buckled in securely to a harness. "Today's the day. All the way to the ceiling." Kipo said, confidence lacing her voice. Kipo groaned as she placed the pickaxe higher up into the ceiling. She suddenly slipped, and held onto the pickaxe handle tightly.

Lio smiled at his daughter. "What's the holdup, slowpoke?"

Kipo chuckled nervously. "No holdup. Why, does it look like I'm holding up?"

Lio laughed lightly. "No, you are clearly not holding up. But, uh, while we're waiting, tell me, what minerals are in most abundance at this stratum?" He asked, putting a hand on his chin, and raising a playful eyebrow.

Kipo smiled widely. "Dad, that's easy: azurite and malachite, two of my favorite "ites."" 

"If you can ace a pop geology quiz, then I know you can make it the rest of the way." He said, and Kipo smiled at him with confidence, turning back around, and continuing to climb the mountain. A loud stomping from above the burrow was heard.

Lio looked up at the ceiling. "Whoo! Just a Mega Mute passing overhead. Little close, but nothing to worry about."

Kipo listened. "Two, three, four...Five seconds between footsteps." She yelled out to her dad over all the noise.

"Whoa, this one's big. What do you think it is?"

Kipo smiled. "I'm guessing a 400-foot-tall squirrel with eight tails."

Lio returned the smile. "Maybe it's a giant dolphin that's adapted to walk on land."

Kipo laughed. "Dolphin? Well, I did read once they have vestigial leg bones..." She started to explain to him, but as Lio listened more intently to the loud roar that was heard, his face was full of worry. "They found us..."

Kipo realized that her father wasn't listening to her anymore and tried to get his attention. "Dad? Dad, are you listening to me?

Suddenly, Lio unbuckled their harnesses, and pulled Kipo down, causing her to scream and fall in the aqueduct. As she hit the water, she rose back up to be able to breathe, and called out frantically to her dad, who had also jumped in the aqueduct, and tried to get to her.

"Dad! Dad!"

Rocks from above fell blocking their way to each other. Lio climbed the rocks and tried to get through. "Kipo!"

The Mega Mute roared and a large tree broke through the surface of the burrow, causing everyone to scream in fear, Lio looked around frantically, and tried to calm himself down. "It's OK. You got Kipo out OK, that's what matters. The rest-" The Mega roared cutting him off. 

"Piece of cake?"

The Mega Mute growled and looked through the hole in the burrow. 

Present timeee

"Uh... guys? More mutes! Are these ones friendly or unfriendly?"

Wolf looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "There's an entire army of them. Packing axes. What do you think?" Kipo smiled shyly, with a hint of nervousness. "Unfriendly. Got it."

A large cat with a axe, thrusted his axe in the air. "CHARGEEE!!!" All the cats in plaid let out a very loud war cry, and started running into the crater like hole that the group were standing in. Dave flew up, hold his head in distress, and pointing at the cats with a terrified look on his face. "Oh, man! Oh, man! Those are Timbercats! Cats eat bugs!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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