2. The Madness of the Archduke.

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Hands clenched into tight fists, legs shaking, and indigo eyes stinging with tears, Frosino exited the temple and closed the doors behind him while managing to remain composed. Once he was outside he had to shield his eyes from the warm spring sunshine, his ears were assaulted with birdsong, and he hated it. How dare the sun shine so brightly and the birds twitter so joyfully when the one thing that kept him alive for the past century had been crushed.

Unable to control his surging emotions, he tilted his head up to the picturesque blue sky and let out a raw scream that burned his throat, and was so loud that it echoed in the peaks of the Crivellian mountains long after his feeble vocal cords had given out. Even after he was unable to create sound he continued his silent scream at the heavens.

Nothing but a primal scream could even begin to encompass the feelings weighing on his heart. He had waited for so long, suffered for so long, only for the reunion he had been living for to be snatched away right as he grasped it. He felt like his entire body was crumbling away and his legs buckled beneath him as he realized the weight of it all.

She doesn't remember anything, he thought, the countless tender memories they had shared flashing through his mind as the last threads of shock melted away allowing him to feel the full weight of his grief. His stomach felt like it had turned inside out and his chest burned as he found it hard to breathe. At that moment all he wished for was the sweet release of death to take him away from the anguish that was his life.

His face contorted into a repulsive grimace in response to the terrible pain coursing through him. He gasped for air, wishing for anything that would put an end to his heartbreak, glistening tears sliding down his pale cheeks. Y/N is gone, as good as dead, but her body still lives just to remind me of what I have lost! He thought as he recalled the stranger who wore Y/N's face within the temple.

He began to walk towards the doors of Castle de Crivell with a shambling and listless gate, pondering dully why he was being tortured so. He climbed the steps and threw open the tall double doors carelessly. He stalked through the entrance hall, ignoring the dazed and confused servants he passed.

Despite his efforts, he noticed that despite their confusion they all still bowed to him. Contempt bubbled within him at that. They all remembered who he was, so why didn't Y/N? Rage, like he had never felt before, filled him at the thought. It flowed through every vein making it impossible to think.

Unable to control himself, he grabbed a vase resting on an end table in the hall and threw it against the wall. It shattered, but instead of alleviating his frustration, it only increased it. All this wasted time, all the years of silently pining! All for nothing! He thought as he smashed the end table followed by tearing down the curtains draped at the window.

It would have been better to die alongside her that day than this! He stormed through the halls, subjecting every object and trinket to his wrath. He broke more vases, tore paintings from the walls, and snapped their frames, anything to try and vent the frustration he felt. Anything would be better than this-

Unbeknownst to him, a group of frazzled servants had been attracted by the noise, and watched dumbfounded as the normally calm Archduke spread havoc. "Y-Your Grace?" One of the servants finally stepped forward, trying to get his attention without angering him further.

"WHAT?!" Frosino snarled in a sandy croke, entirely unlike his normal velvety soft voice, whirling to confront those who dared to interrupt him.

All the servants took a step back in fear upon witnessing the madness that glinted in the indigo eyes of the Archduke. "W-What has happened Your Grace?" The head of staff asked, unable to disguise the tremor in his voice. He also wanted to ask why the Archduke was wearing traveler's rags instead of his wedding finery, but thought it better not to ask given his volatile state. "We all woke up on the floor and-"

"Earthquake," he answered gruffly, not about to explain to them the nature of the terrible curse they had been under.

"I-I see," he stammered trying very hard not to lose his nerve, even the Archduke had stopped his destruction, the aura he emitted was even more terrifying than before. "And what about the wedding, did something hap-"

"YOU ALL ARE FORBIDDEN FROM MENTIONING THE WEDDING!!!" Frosino exploded, eyes flashing as his raven hair finally came loose from its tie, falling into his face like strands of shadow."Not only that but you all are forbidden from speaking to Y/N unless absolutely necessary!" He added, his volume lowered and his voice raw, but the same intensity as before.

"And under NO circumstances are you allowed to tell her about the wedding or our relation to each other," he added, a menacing smile stretching his lips at the thought of what he'd do to anyone who disobeyed. If Y/N never regained her memories, he didn't want her image of him to be tainted by their complex relationship. He would make sure that she loved him like before, even if he had to wait another hundred years.

"If anyone dares to defy this command I will see that you suffer for the remainder of your days before receiving capital punishment." He had spent one hundred years in total isolation, bearing not only his own sorrow, but the pain of countless others. He knew the depths in which humans could suffer, and he would gladly inflict it on anyone who defied him.


So, unlike most yandere books, Frosino wasn't really a yandere until the end of the first book, but OH BOY has that changed.

I hope you enjoy Frosino's coming decent into yanderedom, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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