14. Dance Like No One is Watching.

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"Come on Y/N, I want to show you the ballroom!" Abela exclaimed as she dragged Y/N through the cavernous entrance hall. They had parted ways with Fiora outside, each lady now sporting a lovely flower crown, and Abela had insisted that they go in the ballroom next. "come on! Come on! Come on!" she was practically jumping up and down in excitement as they neared the tall double doors.

Y/N giggled at the blonde's excitable nature "and here I thought you couldn't get any more excited." Turning her attention to the ornate doors, she couldn't help but stare at them, "I've wondered what was in here, so it's a ballroom?"

"Yes," Abela nodded, flashing Y/N a broad grin. "The two of us have shared some wonderful memories in here..." her hand caressed the ornate gold handle of the door fondly, a nostalgic look on her face.

Pulling the matching golden key from the neck of her dress, she slid the key gently into the lock, a small click resounding. Putting her weight into it, she gripped the handles and slowly pulled the doors open.

"Oh my!" Y/N gasped as she gazed into the ballroom. It was three stories tall, a gorgeous gilded ceiling arching over the stone floor that once glistened, but now was coated in a thick layer of dust. In fact, despite the initial splendor, the dust and cobwebs of neglect were everywhere upon closer inspection.

Their footsteps echoed quietly as they stepped within the giant chamber. Despite the incredible beauty of it, Y/N couldn't help but notice the great loneliness that began to weigh on her heart the longer she stood within the grandiose space.

"Gorgeous isn't she?" Abela asked with a giddy smile. "Oh I remember how we used to play in her, dreaming of going to grand galas and meeting handsome princes..." she twirled around, the rustle of her skirt kicking up motes of dust into the air.

She slowed, then stopped, and just for a moment, Y/N saw her smile falter as sadness crept onto her features.

"It all seems like a dream now..." Abela mumbled, her lip trembling as she spoke. Noticing Y/N's gaze, she was quick to fix the smile back on her face.

"Can you tell me more?" She asked shyly, hoping to regain more memories with the help of the blonde.

"Well, we used to have our music lessons here," She said, gesturing around nostalgically. "I sang, you played the harp!"

"Really?!" Y/N gasped in surprise, unable to believe that she had once played an instrument.

"Yes!" Abela insisted with a laugh, glancing around as though she was looking for something. "It should be somewhere around- ah! There it is!" she exclaimed, taking Y/N by the hand and dragging her up a nearby staircase leading to the balcony that ran all around the ballroom. There, coated in a thick layer of dust and with half its strings broken, was a harp.

Y/N's mouth hung open in disbelief as she pointed at the regal instrument. "You're telling me that I, used to play this?"

"You were wonderful at it too Y/N," she replied without a fraction of doubt. "Won't you play it again, please?" she begged.

"I-I can try," Y/N faltered, but she couldn't say no with the pleading look in her friend's blue eyes.

Hesitantly, she put her hands to the strings and began to pluck them, a discordant awful twang resonated within the chamber and several more strings snapped with a banging cacophony. Y/N jumped back from the instrument and blissful silence once again filled the large ballroom.

"Well it is to be expected," Abela laughed in an easy-going manner, but something flashed across her face for just a moment. "The poor instrument has been neglected for... A long time."

"Maybe I'll be able to play it better after it's restrung," Y/N commented, pretending she didn't notice that undefinable micro expression.

"Yes, that would be lovely," Abela nodded, smiling genuinely. "Now come, we didn't only play music in this room," she took Y/N's hands and led her back down the steps.

Once they reached the center of the ballroom Abela bowed, kissing the back of Y/N's hand, "May I have this dance?" she asked with a playful giggle.

"But we're both girls," Y/N noted, confused.

"As if that could stop me," She let out another laugh as she linked her fingers with Y/N's and placed her other hand on her waist. "Come on Y/N, it's not like anyone is watching anyway!"

"Alright then," she agreed, unable to resist the pleading of her friend.

Without any further prompting, the blonde began to spin them around, instantly falling into step with a silent rhythm. "Close your eyes, you can almost hear the music can't you?" An elated smile graced her features as she closed her eyes, "it's so beautiful."

She's beautiful, Y/N thought as instead of closing her eyes to listen to unhearable music she instead admired the beaming expression of her dancing partner. She's so vibrant and full of life, I wish I could remember more about her.

They continued to revolve around the empty ballroom, and as Y/N watched the billowing movements of Abela's dress she couldn't help the strange sense of nostalgia that consumed her. Even now, I feel like I'm on the edge of remembering something She bit her lip, letting Abela twirl her as she strained to remember.

"See Y/N!" Abela exclaimed with a proud giggle as she began to spin her faster. "You can still dance just like you could when we were girls!"

"I remember!" Y/N giggled, equally filled with glee as she recalled dancing with the blonde in their youth. "I remember dancing with you like this!"

Abela pulled her closer before spinning her again, giggling all the while.

Her face is so close, Y/N thought, her heart skipping a beat in her chest as she gazed at her face, transfixed by her peachy lips and glimmering blue eyes. I never noticed those freckles before, they're so faint-

"I-I think I need a rest," Y/N dug her heels in, bringing the dance to a jarring stop as she pulled away. Confused that even after she stopped the exercise, her heart still pounded in her chest.

"Of course," Abela gave her an understanding smile at once. "Go rest, you shouldn't over-exert yourself."

"Are you coming?" She asked, hesitating as she turned towards the double doors.

"No, I think I'll stay here for a while," She gracefully gestured around the vacant ballroom, a broad grin on her face.

Nodding her head, Y/N walked towards the great double doors, hoping that her heart would slow once she left that dusty cavernous room. She was in such a rush to leave, that she didn't notice as soon as she turned the smile had fallen from Abela's face, replaced by a hollow emptiness as she watched the doors close after her friend.


Oooo, it looks like something is going on with Abela that she is trying to keep hidden from Y/N. Any idea what it may be?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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