8. Something Normal?

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Frosino didn't bother to stable his steed as he slipped from the saddle, cradling the sleeping Y/N close to his chest as he sped across the stormy courtyard and down the steps into the vacant kitchen. Dripping water all over the stone floor he entered the hall of servants' quarters and entered a room that had been Y/N's long ago.

With its plain plaster walls and the simple bed in his eyes, she had outgrown such meager accommodations long ago, but since all the staff were still out scouring the mountains for her he had no choice but to keep her close to the kitchen where he had easy access to heat, food, and medicine.

He turned his attention to her soaking wet, tattered, nightgown. It was ripped to shreds and covered in mud. She will catch a cold if she stays in that. He thought as he examined the soaked and semi-transparent garment. His cheeks flushed as he realized he would have to change her into something dry since all of the maids were still out in the storm.

Trying to not think too much about it he went over to the plain wardrobe and took out a clean nightgown. With clumsy, shaking hands he began to peel the soaked gown from her form, his face turning scarlet as he tried to avert his eyes from her naked figure as he quickly slipped the dry dress on and covered her with a quilt as well, embarrassed and ashamed that he had done such a compromising thing to her.

Y/N sturred in her sleep and Frosino scrambled back, his hair falling in his face, beyond flustered. "W-where am I?" She asked as she looked around the unfamiliar room groggily, exhausted from her harrowing night in the storm. "Frosino... Is that you?" She asked, squinting at the hunched figure at the foot of her bed, still half asleep.

"Yes Y/N!" He exclaimed, so overjoyed to hear her say his name for the first time in a century that he completely forgot his previous embarrassment, as he flung his arms around her. "Yes, it is me! I am here my darling girl!"

"Where are we?" She asked, pulling away to show her discomfort as she became fully aware of the unfamiliar bed chamber she was in. "Why you here Your Grace?" She asked, as she backed out of his arms and tried to stand up.

"You should stay in bed!" he replied urgently, trying to guide her back into bed while also maintaining a comfortable distance. "You ran into the storm outside and nearly fell into a gorge, do you remember?" He asked, and when she nodded in recognition he elaborated. "Well, I found you and brought you back home."

"Oh, thank you very much!" She replied, bowing her head in gratitude to him as she recalled the peril they had been in. "You-you shouldn't have risked your life for me..."

"You mean the world to me," he said as he sat down at the foot of the bed, taking her hands in his gently. "I would gladly endure anything for you."

"Thank you, Your Grace, you don't have to do anything for me..." She pulled her hands away awkwardly, embarrassed by his passionate words.

"With your permission, may I look you over for injuries?" He asked after several moments of silence, trying to break the tension that had fallen between them. "I would like to know as soon as possible if there is anything that requires more medical treatment than I can provide."

"S-sure, go ahead," she agreed, taken aback by just how much he was willing to do for her. "If you don't mind that is." She added, embarrassed that an Archduke was doing such a thing for her.

"Just tell me if anything hurts, all right?" He told her as he gently picked up one of her arms and began to inspect it tenderly.

He worked his way over her body, finding nothing more than a few light bruises and scratches until he came to her legs. Her calves and especially the soles of her feet were littered with deep scratches from running through the jagged terrain of the mountains. "The soles of your poor feet are ripped to shreds," he said, as he inspected the bloody gashes in horror. How could he let Y/N wander off in such a storm! I should break his toes as a punishment, or maybe I should cut off his feet entirely-

"-Your grip is hurting me!" Y/N squicked.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry my dear! I was lost in my thoughts for a moment!" He apologized profusely, guilt-ridden that in his anger at the coachman he had squeezed Y/N's wounds to the point that she yelped. "Here, allow me to treat those wounds for you." He said apologetically as he bustled about getting the proper supplies.

"You seem to be skilled at this," she commented, transfixed as she watched the slender hands of the Archduke move adeptly from cleaning her wounds to bandaging them with fine gauze."I-I just don't know how an Archduke would be such a capable physician... You really are mysterious..." She continued to watch him work, intrigued by his many unexpected skills and abilities.

"Oh, I have little more than elementary skills in this sort of thing," he pushed several long strands of hair out of his face as he tied the final pieces of gauze together. "I have just picked up skills here and there over the years I suppose - there, all done."

"Thank you, my feet feel better already!" She stretched excitedly before trying to sit up.

"Even so I must insist you stay in bed until your wounds have healed further," he placed a hand on her shoulder before guiding her back down, not wanting her to injure herself further by doing too much too soon. "The servants and I shall tend to your every need, I promise." He offered a small reassuring smile as he settled back at the foot of her bed.

"Thank you..." Y/N let silence fall after that. Looking up from her lap, her gaze landed on the Archduke sitting pensively at the end of her bed. The wet clothes he had neglected to change accentuated his slender build. His long black hair fell loosely around his face as he hunched forward, and Y/N couldn't help but admire it. It's so black, and glossy. Like a raven's feathers. She thought as she reached out to touch one of the long strands.

"Is it too long for your liking?" Frosino asked self-consciously. He had never paid much attention to the more modern hairstyles, but now that she was examining his so keenly he wished he had. "It's an old-fashioned style I must admit."

"No, not at all!" She shook her head quickly. "I think you're hair is beautiful... May I play with it?" She asked, her voice trailing off shyly at the end.

"C-certainly," He agreed, a relieved smile stretching his face as he shuffled close enough that she could easily reach his hair. "You can do with it as you wish."

Neither of them spoke as Y/N began to twist his hair up into a woman's hairstyle she wasn't sure how she knew, but the silence between them wasn't awkward anymore.

Frosino relaxed into her touch, closing his eyes as he felt her fingers graze his scalp gently. It had been so long since she had touched him, he had longed for it for so long that even something as simple as this felt euphoric for him.

"Your Grace," the soft voice of a servant disturbed their tranquillity as one of the maids peaked through the door. "all of the servants have returned from their search and-" she froze at the sight of the Archduke in dripping finery, sitting on the bed while his hair was partway up on his head in a feminine style.

Color rose to the woman's face and she backed out of the room without saying another word.

"Haha! Did you see her face?" Y/N burst out laughing as soon as they were alone, allowing his hair to fall from her grip. "She was as red as a beet!"

"And I was so sure your magnificent hairstyle suited me," Frosino joined in her laughing as he pretended to pout. "it was nice to laugh again. It's been... A long time." His laughter calmed as he realized just how long it had been since he had felt such joy. "Thank you." He smiled sincerely, feeling something like his old self again.


This chapter was SO sweet and wholesome! Don't worry, it gets worse from here on out. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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