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sigh. another excruciatingly slow workday.

another day that consisted of sitting behind the register doing absolutely nothing. sunghoon would rather be anywhere else, but what choice did he have? he was the one who offered to cover the shift when his coworker asked. although, he was the one to blame for this situation — he didn't want to admit it to himself. luckily, his boss was quite understanding and didn't mind him doing other things to pass time — as long as he served customers well when they were here.

with a sigh, the silver-haired boy pulled the lollipop he'd been distracting himself with out of his lips as he glanced up at the clock. 6 pm, it read. he could've been at practice with his friends, but no. instead, he was stuck here with nothing to do.

his phone vibrated in his pocket, breaking him out of his self-induced pity party. he popped the lollipop back between his lips and tugged his phone out, a small smile on his lips when he saw the text with jay's name attached to it.


hope ur having fun at work lmao

if u need a food delivery or smth just lmk

i could bring drinks if u want...party time at the store?👀

sunghoon couldn't help but chuckle, a smile lingering on his lips as he typed a response. as much as jay was a total idiot, he was an amazing friend and he loved him with his entire being. jay was so incredibly selfless, always looking after him and jake even though he didn't have to. yes, he made stupid jokes and comments; a prime example being his mention of alcohol, but sunghoon wouldn't trade him for the world. he's known jay since high school. the two have been best friends for many years —since then they've stuck together, even to this day.


ur such a dumbass

i won't complain if u do decide to visit tho😗


aight bet ;)

i'll pick up jake from soccer so we'll probs be there in 10 mins tops


okay see u guys soon

"you should smile more often, park. it's pretty."

sunghoon's smile immediately dropped at the familiar voice that he hated so much.

amazing. twice in one day.

maintaining his composure, sunghoon slipped his phone into his pocket as he glanced up at the one and only, nishimura riki, with a stone-faced expression.

"what can i get for you?" he asked, putting on his customer service voice although his disdain for the situation was as clear as day in his eyes.

"just these," ni-ki chuckled, an amused smirk on his lips as he slid a few bottles, a pint of mint choco ice cream, and a bag of chips towards the other.

sunghoon nodded and started to scan the items, his tongue toying with the lollipop to distract himself from ni-ki's presence. he had already ruined his morning, he didn't want him to ruin his evening as well.

"i didn't peg you to be one for a convenience store job," ni-ki hummed, the comment lighting a spark of anger in his chest.

sunghoon shoved the plastic bag towards ni-ki, not bothering to hide his bitterness as he responded, "not everyone's privileged enough to live off daddy's money. your total is on the screen."

if ni-ki was affected by the comment, he certainly didn't let it show as he handed sunghoon his card. the older boy quickly sorted out ni-ki's payment, gingerly handing the card back to raven-haired boy in front of him — stuffing the receipt into the bag.

"don't come again," sunghoon spoke with a tone of faux innocence before pretending to busy himself with the register.

ni-ki, however, didn't seem to care as he stood there, his eyes burning into sunghoon's skull.

"it's my own money."

"good for you," sunghoon shot back, not an ounce of emotion in his voice.

ni-ki sighed, the sound frustrated and irritated, and it brought sunghoon a small sense of satisfaction. it wasn't often that he managed to get a rise out of the pale boy and it felt great to do so.

"i'm not some kind of stuck-up brat, you know?"

"okay, and?" sunghoon asked, raising his chin defiantly as he looked up at ni-ki from where he was sitting. he was slightly taken aback by what he saw. the other held a strange intensity and a slight hint of hurt.

ni-ki was usually good at controlling his emotions, unlike sunghoon who reacted to everything that he threw at him.

"i wasn't looking down on you, park. i was just saying because i didn't expect you to work here of all places. it's not safe.", ni-ki huffed, an additional frustration appearing in his gaze.

"oh yeah? since when do you care about my wellbeing?" sunghoon scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

ni-ki opened his mouth to answer, but he paused, instead letting out a gentle sigh. his expression hardened as he snatched the bag off the counter and stormed out of the store.

sunghoon watched him go, biting his lip in concern. he thought he'd feel satisfied seeing ni-ki upset, but instead, he felt restless. something about seeing the hurt in his eyes just didn't sit right in his heart and stirred a strange feeling that he couldn't quite identify.

that's enough. he didn't wanna think about nishimura riki anymore.

shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he glanced up at the clock above the door. it's been a few minutes since jay had texted and the store wasn't very far from their university anyway so they should be here any min-

"babe, i'm here!"

sunghoon couldn't help but roll his eyes, glancing down at the door as jay walked in with a bright grin, jake following after him with an exasperated frown. "you're disgusting," he joked, shaking his head as his two friends rounded the counter to join him.

"you both love me," jay grinned, tugging another stool up next to sunghoon who greeted him with a gentle side hug.

"unfortunately," jake scrunched his nose distastefully as he leaned against the counter. "it's so empty today."

sunghoon nodded, running his fingers through his hair as he sighed, "it usually is at this time. that's why i avoid this shift."

"understandable," jay hummed, rummaging in his backup for a moment before setting a lunchbox down in front of sunghoon. "here."

sunghoon looked over at him in surprise. he had told him not to do anything for him, yet jay had still put in the effort of making him a meal. "you didn't have to," he said softly, affectionately ruffling the other's hair, completely messing it up from his obviously purposeful tousle.

"one, you're a bitch for doing that. and two, i know for a fact you haven't had dinner and you most likely aren't gonna remember to either." jay scowled and swatted his hand away, smoothing down his hair as he responded,

"you're not wrong. thank you jay-ah," sunghoon chuckled fondly.

"don't mention it. now throw away that lollipop and eat before any customers come in," jay responded earnestly, receiving a playful salute from the youngest.


authors note:


i thought i would give you guys an extra chapter because it's hobi's bday and i'm in a good mood ;)))

until the next update...<3

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