chapter 2 - bus ride

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Prompt: Sal and Travis sit together on the bus ride back from an away meet
CW: fluff, implied homophobia, implied parental issues/trauma

(Sal’s POV)
The rush of adrenaline was loud, so loud in my ears and it singed through my whole body as I watched my teammate come around the bend of the track with the baton in hand. All thoughts left my mind as I started running slowly to let my teammate hand me the baton. The moment I felt it firmly in my hand I held on as tight as I could and took off into a full sprint, running faster than I thought I could as the sound of onlookers and my coaches screaming for me to go!, desperately trying to stay ahead of the other sprinters for the last 200 meters. I crossed the finish line in a blur, managing to take second for Nockfell.

I could barely breathe as I waltzed my way off the track, hearing my coach order the team to pack up and get on the bus.


I stood right at the door to the bus, waiting in the nearly-frigid cold to finally get onto the bus. It felt like I was waiting forever before the people ahead of me finally moved onto the bus and into their seats so I could sit in mine. I always sat in the middle of the bus on the left, the front was too close to the driver and the back was way too bumpy.

Travis slid into the seat beside me and we put our bags onto the floor, waiting for the bus to start moving. After everyone was seated with one or two people in every seat, the head coach took attendance and we pulled out of the school parking lot, starting the hour-long ride back to Nockfell High School.
Once everyone was focused on their phones or sleeping Travis grabbed my hand and threaded his fingers through mine. I reached into my bag to grab my comfy large grey blanket and covered both of us up with it, with assistance from Travis. I settled down farther into the seat so my head was chest-level with Trav so I could lay my head on his chest and reach my arms loosely around my torso.
“Sal what if someone sees?” Trav whispered to me. 
“M’ tired Travy” I whined quietly.

I felt him melt underneath me just a tiny bit, so we cuddled closer together and I tightened my arms around him. Eventually, Trav rested his head on top of mine and I started to fall asleep when he poked me. I looked up in confusion just in time for him to snap a picture of me. I angrily poked and tickled at his sides in retaliation, because I was too tired to argue and I didn’t want to draw attention to us. 
“Sal” he poked back at me a few times.
“Trav” the smirk was evident in my tone as I poked him back.
“Sal don’t you dare” he warned, though he was smiling at me the whole time.
“You’re the one that took the picture” I pouted at him.
“Do you really want me to delete it?” Trav asked, and I just shook my head no because I wasn’t really upset about it. I liked the thought that he wanted pictures just to keep and remember me when I was away (which wasn’t that often if I’m being honest, mostly just when his dad was being a dick).

He grabbed both my hands to stop me from poking him again, and I decided that I was done messing with him so I cuddled back up.

It felt like I couldn’t get close enough, like I couldn’t get enough of his skin in contact with mine but I swallowed the feeling and tried to ignore it and fall asleep, as we now only had maybe 20 minutes before we got to school. Some of that feeling was curbed when Travis reached an arm around my shoulders and placed his other hand on my head, petting my hair. I smiled a little since I knew he couldn’t see me, finally drifting off into a pleasant sleep.

~timeskip again because why not~

“Sally Face, time to get up” Travis said as he gently shook my arm.

I opened my eyes and immediately shut them at the brightness of the bus. We were pulling into the school parking lot back at Nockfell. I groaned in displeasure when Travis tried to disentangle himself from me, pulling my arms around his middle to halt his actions. I pushed my face into the crook of his neck in an effort to get him to stay for a little longer, but to no avail.

He pulled away from me completely as people started to get up from their seats, but I caught one of his hands and he allowed me to hold it. We walked off the bus like that, hand in hand, until my dad’s car beeped behind us and Travis yanked his hand away faster than I could even process. Once he saw it was my dad that honked and not his, he relaxed slightly. 
“Goodnight Sal” he said so softly and lovingly that it made my heart melt.
“Goodnight Trav, get some sleep. Call me when you get up tomorrow, okay?” I told him as I brushed my fingers across his face briefly and smiled up at him.
“EW, THATS KINDA GAY BRO” some guy from the team yelled from up ahead. Others joined in with things along the lines of “faggots”, “get a room”, and other nasty things.

I frowned deeply and my dad honked the horn again, this time longer. I gave one last glance to Travis before walking away and getting into my car.

Author's note:
Most of my motivation for writing this was to have something that I missed from other books and I think its actually going well. I definitely won't be posting anywhere near this much (daily) after I get done posting drafts I have, so don't get too excited lol. Reminder to drink water, take your meds, feed your pets, do laundry, get some sleep :)

Word count: 1043

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