First few hours of the island.

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(So we start off where we left  they where approaching) ugggh techno sighed as they got closer.  Ah welcome to the SMP (no longer islnad of yume) Thank you but my I ask why I was requested (btw thats the old teacher talking im naming her Rebecca) you are Mrs Rebecca i assume? Wilbur questioned. Yes I am. I can tell you after thw your techno chimed in. * the group leaves for the docs and are heading to the hotel* jiro looked over the edge and sees the water and stilts holding the bridge whoa she says quietly (wilbur is beside her) *notices her* pretty isnt it? Yeah its nice she responds if i may ask please ask i and open to answer any questions. Well how did you get the water here?  Well you see *puts his hand on her shoulder and points*  jiro blushed but wilbur couldn't tell.  There see that hole leading to the ocean? Yes what about it? She asks that wasnt always there. Realy she ansked agaon puzzled. Yup we blew a hole there to let water come (cum ;>) in the crater *looks down into the water*

*continues to leave wgile talking with jiro* kaminari was getting slightly jelous. So jiro tell me do you listen to any music? You just seem like the type to.  Oh yeah i do she answered. Actually you're one oh my favorite artists. Oh really? Well i could give you guitar lessons or something if you'd like.  REALLY she practically yelled *laughs* yup

*sees the hotel* well right this way then. *goes and holds the door for everyone* kaminari glared at wilbur as he passed through.  TOMMY! Wilbur yells, *tommy comes from behind the reception desk in a tux* oh hello wilbur how are you? Im fine but it looks like thinga are great for you. Tommy gets kinda nervous. Well my dear brother if dream finds out you're dead  he said while smiling. What are you talk- *wilbur plucks a gold peice of hair from his suit* you should really check next time :) ... *tommy sighed* he knows drista :( are you kidding me ughhh drista jumped up from behind the reception desk.  You got a bit to touchy. May I remind you of your guest Aizawa interfered.

*bakugo mumbled sometging under his breath* *wilbur somewhat heard him* if you have something to say i suggest you say it louder he said. Tch I said you sound like a cocky rich bratty boy. BAKUGO APOLO- Aizawa got cut off by wilbur sayong no huh bakugo said. Wow  do those really describe me he asked techno (dream had gone to do something and just got back) ehhh not realy techno said calmly.

Oh well then *wilbur walks up to bakugo with his hand behind his back* so you think im a cocky ignorant rich boy? Yea I do he answered well im npt wilbur replied calmly. But then again you wouldnt believe me so i guess that makes your opinion irrelevant. *wilbur turns around snd is about to say something* why you- bakugo cuts himmoff before he even says anything.DONT YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME *bakugo yells* *launches a explosion. *smirks as it doesn't effect him whatsoever*

*Aizawa activates his quirk and ties bakugo up* BAKUGO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU he screams. I can tell you *aizawa looks at him and sees hes completley unfazed* what the- HOW! Bakugo yells. You didnt even fuckin move! Bakugo states. *wilbur laughs somewhat evily* Listen here dog never attack someone you dont know how to beat because when you do *pulls out netherite sword and holds it to bakugo's neck* you'll end up dead, bakugo was scared shitless. *wilbur sighs* can you get your class pest in check techno said while leaning on dream. And to the restnof you have a pleasant day. *about to walj away but stops* oh also jiro. Oh umh yes? I'll see you tommorow night for those guitar lessons *winks as he leaves*.

Ahhh young love... disgusting techno says. but we- dream gets cutoff by techno pulling him out oh and I need to ralk to you Mrs Rebecca.

TIMESKIP TO WHEN THEY GET BACK TO THE BOOKSHELF. Babe  I need to show you both something.


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